In the seed is a big tree. And what constitutes a tree? Its roots, its trunk, branches, stems, leaves and fruits. Each one has...

The Indian Brahmin

The Indian Brahmin is a much maligned person. He is blamed for all the ills that exist in this country, the modern India. In...

I Loved 2020

A lot of people have cursed 2020 as the worst year ever. But in my optimistic mind, it was a year which built up...


Desperate times call for desperate measures. You know those days when you enter your kitchen to cook and realise that there’s hardly any rice...

Tale of Two Arrests

This is the tale of two arrests … that of Abhinandan and Arnab. Makes for interesting reading – similarities and differences galore. Speaks about...

What Zainab Learnt From the Gita

WARNING : *** POLITICALLY INCORRECT POST IN RESPONSE TO ZAINAB SIKANDAR’s ARTICLE **** Scenes happen in a Bhagwad Gita Class where students are taught...