All the calculations were checked again and time. Gatij Kumar was quite confident that something was wrong with the formulas. He once again cross-checked...
Sometimes our mind is full of negative thoughts. The darkness or the evil energy overpower our conscience completely. The pessimism clouded our soul entirely....
परिचय और इतिहास योग्यतम की उत्तरजीविता अथवा “सर्वाइवल ऑफ द फिटेस्ट” शब्द हर्बर्ट स्पेंसर, एक अंग्रेजी समाजशास्त्री और दार्शनिक, द्वारा गढ़ा गया था। उन्होंने इस...
Introduction and History The term SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST was coined by Herbert Spencer, an English sociologist, and philosopher. He used this phrase in 1864 in...
During this pandemic times, most of the research works have stopped due to the restricted movements and inaccessible educational institutes. Further, research scholars are...