Carl Sagan on #Hinduism

"In his landmark TV series Cosmos, Carl Sagan called Hinduism the only religion whose time-scale for the universe matches the billions of years documented by modern science. Sagan filmed that segment in a Hindu temple featuring a statue of the god Shiva as the cosmic dancer, an image that now stands in the plaza of the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva."

Amazon Prime’s Jihad: Insults Their Hindu Customers in Every Second Web Series

And guess what they are charging their Indian Hindu customers for all this. Amazon is charging them thousands of rupees for this kind of content subscription, where they are demeaning and abusing the family values of Hindus itself. And surprisingly,'s innocent customer base in India is rejoicing this shameful, abusive, and vilifying content, when this must be a matter of absolute provocations.

What is Dharma?

Unique to the Indic world-view is the understanding that as one grows inwardly and spiritually so does one’s understanding of one’s dharma. In a progressive revelation dharma appears self-evident and obvious in an intuitive, vigyanamaya, understanding, that is not just mental, yet not infra-intellectual. For example, the entire Gita is an unveiling to Arjuna of his dharma through the eighteen chapters of instructions by Sri Krishna. If one might say that the Gita is a manual of the progressive unveiling of one’s dharma, one would not be incorrect.