Day-12 Dhauti, types, methods, advantages

Namaste All My Yoga Yaatris! May Yog Bless You!
Knowledge of Yoga is infinite, boundless and timeless. “Learning Yoga is an everlasting journey that leads you within and Within is where you find the world of immortal bliss”. –Mitraasha
The idea behind running this 51 Days Yoga Consciousness series is to proffer my modest learnings and share the divine pearls of Yoga science with people at large. Let’s have a conjoint intent to learn, implement and extend the wisdom of Yoga with a positive co-action and harmonious reverberation amongst each other.
Out of several Kriyas mentioned in yesterday’s post under the topic-Shat Karma, I will be sharing a few of them in detail today, and rest the following day. So today, I will talk about all the forms of Dhauti.
Dhauti is a prefatory measure taken prior to the practice of yoga asanas. It clears the entire digestive tract/gastrointestinal tract (GI) of the excessively amassed bolus (chewed food) from the top of the alimentary canal to the colon. Depending upon the level and need (beginner or advanced) of the practitioner, a particular type of Dhauti can be chosen for practice. Dhauti not only works effectively on the digestive tract but also improves the efficiency of the respiratory system and the frontal brain efficiency.
Danta translates to teeth and Moola means root. This Dhauti kriya comprises cleaning the root of the teeth and corroborates to an extended healthy life of the teeth. In current times, we do this cleaning by using toothbrushes and toothpastes. However, nothing can beat the benefit of using the original methods and resources.
Method : In this Dhauti, the root of the teeth is brushed with the help of acacia resin or clean earthen mud. It removes impurities (if present in there) and gives it a shiny sturdy state.
‘Jhiva’ means tongue. This Dhauti kriya cleans the toxins and filth that gets deposited on the tongue, in throat through food/drinks that we consume. This as a result helps to keep at bay any bodily diseases and bad mouth odor.
Method : To perform Jihva Mool Dhauti/Shodhanam, insert through the mouth; your index, middle and ring finger together into the throat and then continuously rub the root of the throat, with smooth up and down strokes. This practice throws out the phlegm and also energizes the salivary glands.
Karna translates to ear, randra means hole/dent/passage and dhouti means cleaning that hole. Practicing this Dhauti on a regular basis stimulates the neuro- muscular coordination, improves age related hearing problems, keeps the ear canal clean and healthy and eventually and gradually can help you listen to the mystical sounds (Nada).
Method: This kriya is done by inserting either your index or little finger in-ear and rotating it a few times in clockwise and anticlockwise motion. It is best practice right after taking a bath as the ear crevices are well smooth and soft and so are the fingers.
Kapal, though generally referred to as forehead, relates to the entire facial region. The term ‘randhra’ means ‘holes’ or ‘passages’. ‘Dhouti’ is cleansing. In this Dhouti all parts of the face are internally cleansed through an external practice.
Method : Using both hands or one hand, start by keeping your thumbs above the ends of the eyebrows. With all the fingers, rub your forehead horizontally from one side to the other gently, then take your index or middle finger and place it at the bridge of your nose, near the inner eyes as a starting point and move them down under the eyes outwards towards the temples. Further ahead rub your index fingers from the front of the ears to the back a few times. Perform this kriya after waking up in the morning, in the evening, and after a night meal. It reduces stress, insomnia, and increases vision.
Antar Dhauti is the cleansing of the lower part of the stomach region or large intestine. It’s of the following 4 types.
Vatsara means ‘drinking of air’. Air is the medium of purification in this kriya.
Method : In this kriya, the air is swallowed very gently through the mouth into the stomach in Crow seal (Kaki mudra). Gradually the upper stomach and the intestine is filled with this air one after another. After holding it in the intestine for some time, it is gently released through the anus.
This Dhauti kriya is also known as Laghu-shankha-prakshalana. In this process the entire digestive tract is washed from mouth to the anus with the help of water as the cleansing medium.
Method : In Varisara Dhauti, one has to drink lukewarm salty water in excess till the abdomen is felt completely filled & then letting it out through the anus. This drinking of water and then performing a particular set of asanas is done a few times for an easy flow of water to the intestines and then eventually letting it all out through anus along with all the wastes and toxins.
This kriya is also known as Vahinsara Kriya. Vahinsara Dhauti is the process of invigorating the heat energy of the navel area and thereby completing the cleansing part through the internal fire.
Method : To do this one has to sit in Vajrasana and then rapidly expand and contract the abdominal muscles. At times performing this kriya also accompanies rapid breathing along with abdominal movements. These repeated expeditious motions generate excessive heat (digestive fire) in the stomach and thereby aiding the purification process.
This is a very complex kriya in which cleaning of the intestine is done through the medium of air, and the result of this kriya is a supremely vigorous and healthy body.
Method : This kriya is done by sucking air and holding it within. In this, a Crow seal (Kaki Mudra) is taken to suck the air in and hold that air for 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, the person has to stand in clean water to his navel’s level and gently pull the long intestine out. Then wash the intestine cautiously with hands and place it back again in the abdomen. It is not at all advisable for the novice, or beginner level practitioners to try this. Other senior yoga doyens too should practice this under supervision.
Hrid translates to heart and seemingly this Dhauti caters to the techniques used for cleansing of the organs related to the heart i.e. the upper stomach organs. This Dhauti is of the following 3 types.
‘Danda’ means stick. By practicing this Dhauti kriya, the excessive phlegm and bile from deep down of throat (esophagus) is removed and it also aids in curing all heart-related problems, but surely needs to be practiced under supervision until mastered.
Method : For performing the Danda Dhautii kriya, the core of a banana tree stem or turmeric root is inserted into the throat and made to reach below the throat. Then it is gently pulled out, which brings along the mucus and the phlegm from the esophagus, thereby cleaning the passage.
‘Vastra’ translates to Cloth. In this Dhauti kriya, a cloth is utilized to wash the upper stomach region. It eliminates the extra mucus from the food pipe. Again this is also one of the complex kriyas not to be performed by the novices.
Method: A specific dimensioned clean cotton cloth, dipped in a particular water solution is sent through mouth, and then the kriya related abdominal movements are made, and very carefully the cloth is gently pulled out, bringing along the dirt, mucus and other impurities.
‘Vamana’ means vomiting.
Method : In this Dhauti, after drinking excessive water, with or without the help of fingers, instigating through the throat vomit is induced, resultantly bringing all the water out. Along with water, undigested food particles and phlegm also often comes out in Vamana Dhauti.
Moola Shodhana Dhauti kriya is the purification of the rectum with the help of a soft turmeric root. The practitioner, usually standing in Utkatasana while doing Moola shodhana dhauti, inserts the middle finger or turmeric root into the rectum and gyrates it clockwise and anticlockwise. It cleans the extra excrement from the rectum. For easy insertion of turmeric root & lubrication of anus, olive oil or coconut oil can be used.
Thought of the day: “We are kept from our goal, not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal” – Bhagwad Gita
Link to day 11 : Shat Karmas/Shat Kriyas/Purification Techniques
Link to day 13 : Neti: Types, Methods, Advantages
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