This post will expose cheap hypocrite Alifazal.

Mr. Fazal was part of anti CAA protests as he thinks its anti Muslims. He made fun and was enjoying the anarchy and chaos that these protests were creating . He is very sympathetic towards Muslims.

Strangely , the same Ali Fazal boasts of working with Israeli , Sabra Jew Gal Gadot in an international project . Showing off picture on social media. Damn what happened to solidarity with Palestine ? The global Muslims brotherhood against Israel ? Not only you did NO protest , but you pretty much seemed extremely excited to share screen space with her ? Where is the solidarity then ? Why no protest infront of her ? Why no tweet mocking her or commenting about the Palestine cause ? NO B@LLS ? so when you need the publicity and international attention by posing with a BIG Hollywood star , your forget about the Palestine cause , but when it comes to playing victim and accusing Modi ji of non existent discrimination , cry islamophobia .CHEAP HYPOCRITE.

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