(Originally published on kreately.in on September 25, 2021; Updated & Revised  as of November 11, 2021)

More than one hundred years back, Swami Vivekanand introduced Hindu, Hinduism and Hindustan to Americans. Americans, when addressed as “Sisters and Brothers of America” by Swami Vivekanand in 1893, tasted the unique inclusiveness of Hinduism.

In 2021, When Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, met POTUS, Joe Biden, he spelled 5Ts of US- India ties in the years ahead. The five T’s included Tradition, Talent, Technology, Trade, Trusteeship. That is and that has been Hindu, Hinduism and Hindustan (aka India, Bharat), steeped in tradition but in the forefront of change.

Indeed, Hindus through the eyes of Americans have been seen exactly the same way. The proof lies in the superlative language used in the declaration by 21 States of USA, October as the Hindu Heritage Month.

Please sample:

Excerpts from the State of Wisconsin Proclamation:

“Hindus Strive to achieve  Dharma, which is a code of conduct for living that puts an emphasis on ethics, morality, righteousness, duty, responsibility, law and order, service to Humanity, nature, environment, ecology, and inclusivity.”

“Whereas the Hindu heritage, culture, traditions,  and values provide invaluable solutions to  many of life’s problems and often serve as a source of inspiration , reflection and contemplation for the millions of individuals who look to the teachings of  Hinduism for guidance.”

“We recognize yoga, chess, buttons,  cataract surgery, shampoo, algebra, trigonometry, and even the concept of number zero represent some of the major inventions and gifts of Hindu civilization to the world.”

“Sanskrit, a classical language of ancient India and south Asia is considered by many to be ‘the Mother of all languages’ and is the language of the world’s oldest sacred scripture, the Rig Veda, which is thought to have been composed as early as 1500 BCE.”

“Guided by a belief in promoting knowledge and education through dialogue, discourse, and debate, Hindu Americans have made significant contributions to all aspects of our society- from Science and medicine to business, politics, and industry- all while working towards a more peaceful, diverse and inclusive world for all.”

Excerpts from the State of Florida Declaration:

“Hindu Americans have made significant contributions across all fields, including Science, education, medicine, law, Politics, business, culture, sports, and more”

“Hindu heritage, culture, traditions, and values have enriched our great State”

Excerpts from the State of Texas Declaration:

“Hinduism has contributed greatly to our State and Nation through its unique history and heritage”

Excerpts from the State of Ohio Declaration:

“During the month of October, the culture, history, traditions, achievements and contributions of Hindus are recognized and celebrated throughout the United States, and Whereas American Hindus have made numerous positive contributions in all aspects of society, from Science to business to politics to spirituality”

Excerpts from the State of Massachusetts Declaration:

“Hindus Represent one of the newest and the fastest growing immigrant communities in the United States, backed by a rock-solid family structure and love for education, they are fully integrated into every aspect of their adopted society, and”

“The Hindu heritage, culture, traditions,  and values provide invaluable solutions to  many of life’s problems and often serve as a source of inspiration , reflection and contemplation for the millions of individuals who look to the teachings of  Hinduism for guidance.”

Excerpts from the State of New Jersey Declaration:

“The Leaders and members of the Hindu community throughout this State are especially commended for their active participation in our cultural, political, economic and social life, as well as making profound  and noteworthy contributions to our ongoing prosperity.”

Excerpts from the State of Georgia Proclamation:

“The Hindu heritage, culture, traditions,  and values provide invaluable solutions to  many of life’s problems and often serve as a source of inspiration , reflection and contemplation for the millions of individuals who look to the teachings of  Hinduism for guidance.”

“The vibrant Hindu American Community has contributed tremendously to the vitality of the State of Georgia by enriching the lives of its citizens.”

Excerpts from the State of Minnesota Proclamation:

“Hindu heritage, culture, traditions and values have enriched our great State.”

Excerpts from the State of Virginia Certificate of Recognition:

“The Hindu heritage, culture, traditions,  and values provide invaluable solutions to  many of life’s problems and often serve as a source of inspiration , reflection and contemplation for the millions of individuals who look to the teachings of  Hinduism for guidance.”

Excerpts from the State of Nevada Certificate of Recognition:

“In recognition of the Hindu- Americans that have made and continue to make significant contributions in all aspects of society, including, science, education, medicine, law, politics, business, culture, sports and more.”

Excerpts from the State of Mississippi Proclamation:

“The State of Mississippi recognizes the vibrant culture and countless achievements of friends and fellow citizens of Hindu Indian descent, as well as their lasting contributions, all of which have strengthened our State’s economy and culture, as these celebrations are marked.”

Excerpts from the State of Delaware Proclamation:

“Hindu Americans that have made significant contributions to our State, including, science, education, medicine, law, politics, business, culture and more.”

Excerpts from the State of Pennsylvania Proclamation:

The Hindu American community constitutes a vital dimension of the Commonwealth’s diverse ethnic and social fabric whose languages, cultures, and religious beliefs have enriched communities in all parts of the State; and”

“Through Hindu American’s love for family, community and hard work, they have helped to uphold the founding principles of our commonwealth for generations. Hindu American entrepreneurs strengthen our economy and our communities through their dedication and ingenuity, inspiring the next generation of innovation by example.”

Excerpts from the State of Maryland Proclamation:

“The Hindu heritage, culture, traditions,  and values provide invaluable solutions to  many of life’s problems and often serve as a source of inspiration , reflection and contemplation for the millions of individuals who look to the teachings of  Hinduism for guidance.”

“Our vibrant Hindu American community has contributed tremendously to the vitality of the State of Maryland by enriching the lives of the citizens.”

Excerpts from the State of North Carolina Proclamation:

“The Hindu heritage, culture, traditions,  and values provide invaluable solutions to  many of life’s problems and often serve as a source of inspiration , reflection and contemplation for the millions of individuals who look to the teachings of  Hinduism for guidance.”

“Our vibrant Hindu American community has contributed tremendously to the vitality of the State of Maryland by enriching the lives of the citizens.”

Excerpts from the State of New Hampshire Proclamation:

“Hinduism is a source of inspiration, guidance, reflection, and is a vital part of lives of millions of people.”

“Hinduism demonstrates though a living enlightened civilization that global peace is achievable and sustainable, and this begins with individual peace and spiritual awakening.”

Excerpts from the State of Connecticut Official Statement:

“The Hindu heritage, culture, traditions,  and values provide invaluable solutions to  many of life’s problems and often serve as a source of inspiration , reflection and contemplation for the millions of individuals who look to the teachings of  Hinduism for guidance.”

“Our vibrant Hindu American community has contributed tremendously to the vitality of the State of Connecticut by enriching the lives of its citizens.”

Excerpts from the State of Missouri Certificate of Recognition:

“Hindu Americans have made significant contributions across all fields, including Science, education, medicine, law, Politics, business, culture, sports, and more”

“Hindus strive to achieve Dharma, which is a code of living that emphasizes good conduct and morality.”

Excerpts from the State of Indiana Proclamation:

“Hindu Americans have made numerous  positive contributions across all fields, including Science, education, medicine, law, Politics, business, sports, and spirituality.”

Excerpts from the State of Michigan Proclamation:

“The practice of Hinduism seeks to promote unity among all dharmic communities, increase awareness of the heritage’s values, and educate society on issues affecting the Hindu American community.”

“Many Hindu holidays, such as Holi and Diwali, are often based on the cycle of nature…”

Excerpts from the State of Illinois Proclamation:

“ Hinduism and Hindu Americans contribute richly and positively to our American identity, exemplified by Hindu American doctors, computer engineers, Lawyers, business experts, financial leaders, entrepreneurs, professors, hoteliers and many more.”

The State of California has been, year after year, declaring October as the month of Hindu American Awareness and Appreciation Month.

In addition to 21 States 43 cities of the United States of America recognized and admired contributions of Hindu Americans and their civilization, culture  and practices of Hinduism.

It is not the first year that Hindu heritage, culture, values and contributions have been recognized and celebrated. It has been going on for many year in USA and even across the borders.

It is worth noting that 21 States celebrating Hindu Americans and Hinduism represent more than 2/3rd population of United States of America.

In the light of the above, any call and support for Dismantling Global Hindutva (that is the essence of Hinduism) becomes totally misplaced and unwarranted.

Let me close with a quote from Dr David Frawley:

Thank you Americans. God Bless America. God Bless Us All.

Note: More details may be seen at Hindumonth.org

PS (contributed):

newsmeter.in and its Fact Check falls flat. After declaration of October as Hindu Heritage Month by the State of Florida on September 16, 2021, newsmeter.in on September 17, 2021 published FACT CHECK almost mocking it under the title, “FACT CHECK: US HINDU GROUPS HAVE DECLARED OCTOBER AS ‘HINDU HERITAGE MONTH”. It went on to add, “However, NewsMeter didn’t find any official communication as of September 19, 2021. Nor did we find any announcement on Governor Ron Destanis’s twitter account. He usually shares such news on twitter.”

So please know such FACT CHECKERS.

An Indian in USA wondered: can’t a legal case be filed in India against such a publisher for publishing lies in the name of fact check and defaming Hindu community?

Without changing the date line of the report, they have of late put it as TRUE.

Another Indian in USA wondered: isn’t a violation of journalistic law/ethics in India to revise news without showing the date line of revision.

Would you believe a journalist who writes under a dateline of September 17, 2021 “However, NewsMeter didn’t find any official communication as of September 19, 2021”

As of November 11, 2021, it reads as follows:

It is now well known that the State of Florida had declared October as Hindu Heritage Month and not US Hindu Groups. And then 20 other States and 43 cities declared the same.

DISCLAIMER: The author is solely responsible for the views expressed in this article. The author carries the responsibility for citing and/or licensing of images utilized within the text.