It is true that I have been reluctant to refer to China as our ‘enemy’. Pakistan has been firmly entrenched in that position till date. We think of China as a competitor for us. We have never had much good intentions or friendship over China because of their help to Pakistan, a war on us 58 years ago, and most importantly they hinder our place on the world stage despite trade deals and economic dependence. Still ‘the enemy’ position is an extreme step. Is it right to impose it on China?

Prime Minister Modi during his recent visit to Ladakh, addressed our soldiers. He spoke that ‘Enemy has seen your fire and fury’. Although he did not mention the name of China anywhere, it is well known that he refers to China as the ‘enemy’ here. The very careful use of words by our Prime Minister illustrates how much the character of Indo-China relations has changed.

We have some understanding of Pakistan. Given that Pakistan was a part of us before 1947, and that the history of our nation is intertwined with them before and after, we (people) do not have the clarity with China as we have with Pakistan.

“It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles …” wrote the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu in his book ‘Art of War’.

#KnowYourEnemy is also the name of a documentary film that was released to explain about enemies of the United States (Japan, Germany, Italy, etc.) to the general public during World War II.

The purpose of this series is to explain China’s history, culture, civilization and political system in a simple manner. Part one will be out soon.

Part one is out. Read here.

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