Rohingya Crisis Of Myanmar – Truth that no one tells you!

A very warm “Namaste” to you all, who are reading my articles and blogs, no matter you like my articles, or hate me.. My Heart is big enough to absorb your tiny hatred against me.
You read the headings right! Rohingya Crisis or a Humanitarian Crisis or it’s a result of terrorism and armed movement started by the Rohingya Muslims against humanity? Let’s go further we will try to find the true answer about this grim situation.
People around the globe has termed it as ” Ethnic Cleansing” , ” Crisis on Humanity” , “Murder of Human Rights”, ” Killing of Innocent Citizens” some even gone to the extent of terming it as ” Serious War Crimes” .. very good , you people are learned, well versed with good idioms and phrases, media world was shaken, they were targeting their TRP – simply the money, advertisement, breaking air moments, so they can earn well out of it and post profits in their respective quarters. It all matters business, profits, publicity to everyone.
So what was the truth? let us proceed..
I am listing few of the BBC news headings below –
Rohingya Muslim militants in Myanmar killed dozens of Hindu civilians during attacks last August, according to an investigation by Amnesty International.
The group called ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army) – A Rohingya Muslim terrorist organisation ,killed up to 99 Hindu civilians in one, or possibly two massacres, said the rights group.
Amnesty says interviews it conducted with refugees in Bangladesh and in Rakhine state confirmed that mass killings carried out by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) took place in a cluster of villages in northern Maungdaw Township at the time of its attacks on police posts in late August.The report details how ARSA members on 26 August attacked the Hindu village of Ah Nauk Kha Maung Seik.
“In this brutal and senseless act, members of ARSA captured scores of Hindu women, men and children and terrorised them before slaughtering them outside their own villages,” the report said. Hindu survivors told Amnesty they either saw relatives being killed or heard their screams.
One woman from the village of Ah Nauk Kha Maung Seik said: “They slaughtered the men. We were told not to look at them … They had knives. They also had some spades and iron rods. … We hid ourselves in the shrubs there and were able to see a little … My uncle, my father, my brother – they were all slaughtered.”
ARSA fighters are accused of killing 20 men, 10 women, and 23 children, 14 of whom were under the age of eight.Amnesty said the bodies of 45 people from the village were unearthed in four mass graves in late September. The remains of the other victims, as well as 46 from the neighboring village of Ye Bauk Kyar, have not been found.
The investigation suggests that a massacre of Hindu men, women, and children in Ye Bauk Kyar happened on the same day, bringing the estimated total number of dead to 99.The Myanmar authorities have accused Muslim Rohingya militants of killing 28 Hindu villagers whose bodies were allegedly found in a mass grave.
The army says the bodies of 20 women and eight men and boys were found in two pits in northern Rakhine state.The state has been in turmoil since 25 August when Rohingya militants launched deadly attacks on police posts.
Over 400,000 Rohingya have since fled an offensive by the military, which the UN accuses of ethnic cleansing.Hindus as well as members of the majority Buddhist population in Myanmar (also called Burma) have also been displaced from their homes by the violence in Rakhine.
On Monday, the Myanmar government’s Information Committee said in a Facebook post, accompanied with a graphic photo, that the mass Hindu grave had been found near the village of Yebawkya in Rakhine.
It said 300 Arsa militants had rounded up about 100 villagers and killed most of them on 25 August, the same date as the start of the latest phase of the conflict, in claims attributed to an unnamed Yebawkya villager.
But a BBC reporter has spoken to Hindus who fled from Rakhine to Bangladesh and said they were threatened and attacked by ARSA. They also said some Hindus had been killed and some houses burned by the militants.
Hindu villagers in the Yebawkya area told the AFP news agency that Rohingya militants attacked their communities on 25 August, killing many and taking others into the forest. The Hindus have said they were attacked by ARSA because the militants suspected they were government spies.
Now from Al – Zazeera –
Amnesty International says it has evidence that fighters from a Rohingya armed group killed scores of Hindu members of their community in Myanmar’s Rakhine state last year.
In a report published on Tuesday, the global rights group said fighters from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) rounded up and killed as many as 99 Hindu civilians on August 25, 2017.
The killings in Maungdaw township occurred on the same day ARSA staged attacks on some 30 security posts in Rakhine, Amnesty International said.
Tirana Hassan, Amnesty’s crisis response director, said perpetrators of the killings must be held to account.”It’s hard to ignore the sheer brutality of ARSA’s actions, which have left an indelible impression on the survivors we’ve spoken to,” she said in a statement.
Citing testimony from survivors and witnesses, Amnesty said masked ARSA fighters rounded up 69 Hindu men, women and children in the village of Ah Nauk Kha Maung Seik and killed 53 of them.
Victims included 23 children – 14 under the age of eight – along with 10 women and 20 men. Only 16 people, eight women and eight of their children, survived.The survivors, who were abducted and taken to Bangladesh, told Amnesty they were spared after they promised to convert to Islam.
Describing the attack, Bina Bala, 22, a survivor, told Amnesty: “[The men] held knives and long iron rods. They tied our hands behind our backs and blindfolded us.”I asked what they were doing. One of them replied, ‘You and [ethnic] Rakhine are the same, you have a different religion, you can’t live here’.”
Myanmar’s security forces uncovered the 45 bodies from Ah Nauk Kha Maung Seik in four mass graves at the site of the killings in September. Also on August 25, 46 Hindu men, women, and children in the neighbouring village of Ye Bauk Kyar disappeared and were presumed killed by Rohingya rebels, though their bodies haven’t been found.
The group also said ARSA fighters were involved in the killing of six Hindu people on August 26 last year near Myo Thu Gyi village.
The Killings –
According to eyewitness accounts, on 25 August, unidentified men in black masks attacked the Hindu villages in Kha Maung Seik also known as Fwaira Bazar or Fakira Bazar. The men spoke several languages they could not identify, but they also spoke the dialect spoken by the Rohingyas and the Hindus. They objected to the official identity cards that were provided by the Myanmar authorities to the Hindus, stating that the Hindus should not have them.
The masked men took around 100 people hostage and forced them to march through the fields. They were led into a forest on a hill, where the insurgents separated eight women from the group of hostages, allegedly to set them aside for marriage to the insurgents later. The insurgents then blindfolded the remaining captives, tied their hands behind their back and tied their legs. The hostages then had their throats slit with knives by the insurgents. Three pits where dug by the insurgents, and the corpses were dumped inside.
Nine Hindu villages were burnt, resulting in more than 500 Hindu refugees fleeing across the border to Bangladesh. The Hindu villages of Kyeinchaung and Ngakhuya survived the arson attacks, and the villagers have returned.
Forced Conversion –
Ni Maul, a Hindu leader who helped Myanmar’s authorities with the search of the bodies, told the media that the mass-graves were found from testimony of eight Hindu women whose lives were spared and brought to Bangladesh after they agreed to convert to Islam.
Four Hindu women in Bangladesh told Agence-France Presse that they were among the eight who escaped. They stated that they were forced to marry the attackers in order to save their lives and they were later taken to camps of Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh.
The Hindu women stated that the militants found them beautiful and decided to convert them. They added that later the eight women along with children were taken to a house in Bawtalar village where they were forced to eat rice with meat, which is prohibited in their religion. They were then brought to Kutuparlaung refugee camp on August 28 where they were housed with Muslims and forced to wear burqas.
One of the eight abducted Hindu women taken into Bangladesh called up a Hindu community leader in Myanmar and told him about the massacre and the location of the mass graves. Accordingly, the local Hindu leadership prepared a list, where 102 Hindus were identified as missing from the two villages of Ye Baw Kya and Taung Ywar in the Kha Maung Seik area of Maungdaw District. Based on the information, the Myanmar army discovered two mud pits with 28 Hindu corpses outside the village of Ye Baw Kya on 24 September. The victims included 20 women and eight men and children. On 25 September, the search party consisting of the Myanmar army, the police and local Hindu leader discovered 17 Hindu corpses in another two mud pits 400 metres to the north east of the previously discovered mass graves. According to the Hindu leader, the corpses were of men aged between 30 and 50. The local Hindu leadership continued their search for the remaining corpses of the missing Hindus, who are feared dead. The location of the 46 missing villagers of Ye Bauk Kyar is still unknown (as of June 2018).
The Hindu villagers believed that they were killed because the Rohingya insurgents suspected them of being government spies.
Six Rohingya insurgents suspected to have been involved in the killings were found among the Rohingya Muslim refugees in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh authorities denied having arrested them on charges of massacre. The Myanmar authorities resolved to bring back the eight Hindu women who were forced to convert to Islam and were taken to Bangladesh by the Rohingya refugees, to stand as witness in the trial.
Islamic Terrorism and Rohingyas –
Zaffar Kawal founded the Rohingya Liberation Party (RLP) on 15 July 1972, after mobilising various former mujahideen factions under his command. Zaffar appointed himself chairman of the party, Abdul Latif as vice-chairman and minister of military affairs, and Muhammad Jafar Habib, a graduate of Rangoon University, as secretary general. Their strength increased from 200 fighters at their foundation to 500 by 1974. The RLP was largely based in the jungles near Buthidaung and was armed with weapons smuggled from Bangladesh. After a massive military operation by the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) in July 1974, Zaffar and most of his men fled across the border into Bangladesh.
On 26 April 1964, the Rohingya Independence Front (RIF) was established with the goal of creating an autonomous Muslim zone for the Rohingya people. The name of the group was changed to the Rohingya Independence Army (RIA) in 1969 and then to the Rohingya Patriotic Front (RPF) on 12 September 1973. In June 1974, the RPF was reorganised with Muhammad Jafar Habib as self-appointed president, Nurul Islam, a Rangoon-educated lawyer, as vice president, and Muhammad Yunus, a medical doctor, as secretary general.The RPF had around 70 fighters.
In February 1978, government forces began a massive military operation named Operation Nagamin (Operation Dragon King) in northern Arakan (Rakhine State), with the official focus of expelling so-called “foreigners” from the area prior to a national census. The primary objective of the Tatmadaw during the operation was to force RPF insurgents and sympathisers out of Arakan. As the operation extended farther northwest, hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas crossed the border seeking refuge in Bangladesh.
In 1982, radical elements broke away from the Rohingya Patriotic Front (RPF) and formed the Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO). It was led by Muhammad Yunus, the former secretary general of the RPF. The RSO became the most influential and extreme faction amongst Rohingya insurgent groups by basing itself on religious grounds. It gained support from various Islamist groups, such as Jamaat-e-Islami, Hizb-e-Islami, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, Angkatan Belia Islam sa-Malaysia and the Islamic Youth Organisation of Malaysia.
In the early 1990s, the military camps of the RSO were located in the Cox’s Bazar District in southern Bangladesh. RSO possessed a significant arsenal of light machine-guns, AK-47 assault rifles, RPG-2 rocket launchers, claymore mines and explosives, according to a field report conducted by correspondent Bertil Lintner in 1991. The Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front (ARIF) was mostly armed with British manufactured 9mm Sterling L2A3 sub-machine guns, M-16 assault rifles and .303 rifles.
The military expansion of the RSO resulted in the government of Myanmar launching a massive counter-offensive named Operation Pyi Thaya (Operation Clean and Beautiful Nation) to expel RSO insurgents along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. In December 1991, Tatmadaw soldiers crossed the border and accidentally attacked a Bangladeshi military outpost, causing a strain in Bangladeshi-Myanmar relations. By April 1992, more than 250,000 Rohingya civilians had been forced out of northern Rakhine State (Arakan) as a result of the increased military operations in the area.
In April 1994, around 120 RSO insurgents entered Maungdaw Township in Myanmar by crossing the Naf River which marks the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar. On 28 April 1994, nine out of twelve bombs planted in different areas in Maungdaw by RSO insurgents exploded, damaging a fire engine and a few buildings, and seriously wounding four civilians.
On 28 October 1998, the armed wing of the Rohingya Solidarity Organisation merged with the Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front and formed the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO), operating in-exile in Cox’s Bazaar. The Rohingya National Army (RNA) was established as its armed wing.
In 2002, the Tatmadaw Lit ( Myanmar Anti Insurgency Elite Force) began sharing intelligence with the United States regarding Rohingya groups in Myanmar. A report given to the CIA alleged that ARNO had 170 fighters in 2002, and that ARNO leaders met with members of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. The report further claimed that 90 ARNO members were sent to Afghanistan and Libya for training in guerrilla warfare. None of the claims in the report were independently verified.
The Islamic extremist organisations Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami and Harkat-ul-Ansar also claimed to have branches in Myanmar.
On 9 October 2016, hundreds of unidentified insurgents attacked three Burmese border posts along Myanmar’s border with Bangladesh. According to government officials in the mainly Rohingya border town of Maungdaw, the attackers brandished knives, machetes and homemade slingshots that fired metal bolts. Nine border officers were killed in the attack, and 48 guns, 6,624 bullets, 47 bayonets and 164 bullet cartridges were looted by the insurgents. On 11 October 2016, four soldiers were killed on the third day of fighting. Following the attacks, reports emerged of several human rights violations allegedly perpetrated by Burmese security forces in their crackdown on suspected Rohingya insurgents.
Government officials in Rakhine State originally blamed the RSO, an Islamist insurgent group mainly active in the 1980s and 1990s, for the attacks; however, on 17 October 2016, a group calling itself Harakah al-Yaqin (later changed to the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army or ARSA) claimed responsibility. In the following days, six other groups released statements, all citing the same leader.
I do understand that thousands of people has been displaced due to the recent violence in Myanmar, ten of thousands got killed, children lost their parents , but if we look back both the sides to be blamed.
The Rohingya Muslims did massacre minority Hindus also the majority Buddhist in Rakhine Province of Myanmar. They raped , kidnapped Hindu and Buddhist women and girls mercilessly, and for decades the anger was boiling.. finally an outbrust..
For decades the crime they committed no one paid heed.. now when the victims of their terror and torture retaliated back everyone has a big issue of human rights violations..
Let us not support both the sides, nor the Rohingya Organisations nor the Myanmar Army .. if the Myanmar Army is accused of genocide and ethnic cleansing then we have to put the Rohingya Organisations as well as Rohingya Intellectual communities in the same light. They did genocide against the Hindus as well as Buddhist community.. Should we just let them go ..
Let us stand and speak for the innocent Hindus And Buddhist who got victimized.
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