Kashmir – My Lost Paradise

This is the story of my village, my home and my paradise that is no longer mine. A quiet and peaceful valley was transformed into the inferno it is today. From the Sufi culture of the early 50s and 60s to the Sharia culture , the entire social fabric of the valley changed drastically. Whenever people would ask me what I would do after retirement, I never had to think twice before replying that I will go and rest under my chinar. But look at my misfortune, both my Paradise and the Chinar are lost for me. Curse be upon Pakistan and it’s cahoots in the valley for having directed their guns at us and put us to flight. My home was lost forever and so was my Paradise.

Kashmiri Hindu Plight

Even after 30 years of staying away from our motherland, we Kashmiri Hindus have not lost hope. It's our motherland - Maej Kasheer !

Memories of Kashmir flow back each and every instant.