Those who do not read history are likely to repeat the mistakes of history again.


I am reading history right now, and believe me, whatever is your favorite subject, which once you feel in history, then you will start connecting everything with history itself. And since the days of school, ancient history has been one of my favorite subjects. Won’t waste much of your time in roles comes directly to the point. I am still reading the history of the ancient world, and so many good and new things have come to me that I want to share with you all. I want to tell you about different beautiful and ancient civilizations of the world in so many blogs. In which only some special countries will be civilized, because today only the civilization of some particular countries is alive and flourishing. Like I will not talk about all the countries that are Christians today, but I will definitely tell the civilization of Rome and Greece. I will not talk about those countries which are Buddhist or Islamic today, but I will definitely tell India and Arab civilization. Meaning, I will only discuss the countries from which civilization started, not those which have adapted themselves according to that civilization. I try to give my best. Please support me, and tell me if you find something new or fun. Hopefully you will like it, and let’s start it from the very beginning.

Prehistory– 10,000 B.C.-3500 B.C.

Prehistorical things available in Museum of London.

Major Periods of History..

  • Ancient History 3500 B.C.-A.D. 500.. From the rise of Sumer in Mesopotamia and the beginning of writing to the fall of ‘Rome’ .
  • Medieval History A.D. 500-1500.. The Middle Ages, through the time Colombus and other European mariners reached the Americas..
  • Modern History 1500-Present.. An era of expanding European empires and then two world wars.
  • Egyptian vase, circa 3600 B.C.
Around 10,000 B.C.  the Ice Age waned, the planet began warming, and humans had to adapt. They did so it with great ingenuity. Many of the larger mammals on which people had relied for food died out as a result of global warming and overhunting. At the same time, edible plants flourished in places that had once been too cold or dry to support them.

By 8000 B.C., people in some parts of the world had moved beyond gathering plants to cultivating them. They domesticated animals, too. Eventually, people who practiced agriculture in fertile areas raised enough food to support specialists involved in various trades, fostering the growth of complex societies.

Some of the earliest settlements arose in a a region called the Fertile Crescent, extending from Mesopotamia to the eastern Mediterranean coast. By 7000 B.C., about 2,000- more then ten times as many as found in a typical hunter-gatherer band-lived in Jericho, near the Jordan River. There and in other such towns lived people involved in non-agricultural trades, including merchants and potters.

By 6500 B.C., artisans at the town of Çatal Hüyük in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) were hard-firing pots in kilns. The potter’s wheel, developed later may have inspired wheeled vehicles.

Artisans in Anatolia and Mesopotamia also pioneered the craft of smelting copper. This led to the development of bronze and ushered in a new technological era, the Bronze age, which succeeded the Stone age. By 3500 B.C., advances in agriculture, metallurgy, and other crafts had laid the foundation in Mesopotamia for the emergence of cities and rise of civilization.

  • The cultivation of Rice began in Southeast Asia around 7000 B.C.

B.C. and A.D.“, What does it mean..?

B.C. stands for ‘before Christ’ and A.D. stands for anno Domini, Latin for ‘in the years of the Lord’. Both terms originated when scholars took the year in which they thought Jesus Christ was born as the basis for dating events. But if, as the gospel of Matthew indicates, Jesus was an infant when King Herod the Great of Judea died, then he was born just before 4 B.C.

Some historians prefer C.E. and B.C.E. (‘Common Era’ and ‘Before Common Era’). Dates in two systems are identical, and B.C. and A.D. are still widely used.

This Cuneiform Tablet from Iraq, seventh century B.C., tells of a great flood in the epic of Gilgamesh.

Find about it in more deep at ‘Stone Age Institute

  • Jericho, founded around 9000 B.C., is one of the world’s oldest communities and its oldest known walled town.

The Three Ages Of “Human Prehistory

In Greek mythology, the ages of man were stages of decline for humanity, beginning with the idyllic Golden age of old and continuing through the violent Bronze Age to the corrupt Iron Age. Today, historians use similar terms, but they have a different way of defining the ages of human prehistory , based on technological advances.


  • The Stone Age was the first phase in human technological development . It is divided into three periods: the Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic, each period representing new advances in tool manufacture. The Neolithic or New Stone Age, began around 10,000 years ago and witnessed the production of better stone implements and the introduction of tools and weapons made of copper and other metals.


circa 1900: An array of spearheads, daggers and other implements dating from the Bronze Age.
  • The Bronze Age followed, a period delineated by the developing technique of metal smithing: mixing molten copper with tin or other alloys to produce metal tools. In Greece and China, the Bronze Age dates from about 3000 B.C.; in the British Isles, it did not occur until about 1900 B.C. Distinctive inventions of the Bronze Age include the wheel and ox-drawn plow, greatly increasing agricultural potential.


  • The Iron Age which began around 1200 B.C. in Europe and 600 B.C. in China, was distinguished by iron tools and weapons, more durable and widely available because Iron Ore was more plentiful then the tin needed to produce Bronze. Production of Iron tools and weapons seems to have been accompanied by increased patterns of permanent settlement, and the great cities of the ancient world date back to this period.

Domestication and Metallurgy were the two important phenomenon in livings of early societies.

  • Domestication- The process of adapting wild animals and plants to make them more useful to to people.
  • Metallurgy- Art and Science of extracting metals from their ores and modifying the metals for use.

In next article I will try my best to give about Culture, Way of Living and Civilizations of “Mesopotamia”.

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