In Tamil Nadu an incident reminding one of the infamous Sister Abhaya murder case, a woman named Rajammal who caught a Christian Pastor Joseph Isidore and a woman in compromising position was attacked by both both and was later admitted to a hospital with severe injuries in Tirunelveli as reported by The Commune on 31.01.2021, which based its story on the Tamil news website Polimer News.
Hermine’s Home for the Destitute is an orphanage and old age home in Rosmiyapuram, near Panakudi in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. Over 30 destitute children and elderly are housed there. It is managed and run by Pastor Joseph Isidore from Kanyakumari district. Rajammal, hails from Mudumottanmozhi Kovil Street near Thisayanvilai and has been working as a cook in the facility for several years.
There were rumors that Pastor Joseph was having an illicit relationship with an employee named Jayalakshmi working at the Home. It is said that Joseph and Jayalakshmi were alone indulging in sexual acts on 25th January, when Rajammal unaware inadvertently walked in. When Rajammal raised her objections to such unbecoming conduct of the Pastor, Joseph and Jayalakshmi attacked Rajammal and severely beat her up. Rajammal was admitted later to the Radhapuram Government Hospital after sustaining very serious injuries.
Shiva Perumal, the Sub Inspector of Radhapuram went to the hospital and spoke to the injured Rajammal. Rajammal in her statement to the police stated that she was attacked because she saw Joseph in a compromising position with Jayalakshmi and that she had kept mum about it thus far due to poverty and lack of support. FIR has been registered against Pastor Joseph Isidore and Jayalakshmi and prosecution has begun on the basis of the complaint given by Rajammal.
It is hoped that the Church and the judiciary, the infamous role of Justice Joseph Kurien to abort the Sister Abhaya case is well known and documented, do not come together and sabotage this case and Rajammal gets justice. The police should also provide security to Rajammal as her life could be in danger to cover up the nefarious sexual misdemeanors of the influential clergy in the Church.
Source: Polimer News , The Commune dated 3.01.2021
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