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Some reasons why Kashmiri Hindus can’t return to their homeland – the Kashmir valley, even after eradication of Art 370

  1. Radical lsIamic Terrorism
  2. No government policy for a systematic return or establishment after the genocide, which still continues in the valley
  3. Ruthless killings and cold blooded murders by terrorists
  4. Our homes were burnt and looted, so no residence or place to live safely in reality
  5. For some, land were grabbed by neighbours and other mafia sponsored by Pakistan
  6. The atmosphere is very anti Hindu and anti Indian , which is unhealthy for our mental peace (Our – Kashmiri Pandit)
  7. No solid policy being framed yet by the governing bodies, whereas Kashmiri Hindu organisations have been framing in depth policies for rehabilitation and for establishing separate Kashmiri Hindu Colonies as well
  8. Lt. Governor issued a very recent notice having points for the new governance in the UT, wherein point 16 stated that children of so called militants would be given scholarships and the relatives of dead militants would be given pension

This makes it very clear that, our homeland is going towards a point of no return. It’s a sad truth. But, we will fight till we have blood running in our veins.

Om symbol
शेषनाग झील | ‘ हर हर महादेव ‘

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