The Legal Rights Observatory (LRO), an NGO which tracks misuse of foreign funds by evangelist organisations for fraudulent conversions has reported that the Bengali Christian Network has misused donation foreign funds of Rs. 1.3 Crores for conversions in Bengal.

The Bengali Christian Network is a partner of the rabidly evangelist US based organisation called Bengal Christian Ministry headed by Bobby Bose. The Bengali Christian Network masquerades as a Charity organisation, while its principle motto is conversions of Bengali Hindus to Christianity.

The Bengali Christian Network works with more than 70 Christian leaders across the state for fulfilling this aim. To achieve total conversion, the two organisations, the parent one in the US and its partner in India, train many Christians to hone their leadership skills to be able to vociferously defend and propagate conversions to Christianity.

The LRO has reported that the Bengali Christian Network, which claims to do charity work diverted all funds received by it from its parent evangelist organisation in the US for illegal conversions.

The LRO has reported the misuse of Rs. 1.3 Crores foreign funds by the Bengali Christian Network for illegal conversions, thus violating the FCRA rules to the Home Ministry.

The LRO thus petitioned the Home Ministry to take suitable action against Bengali Christian Network to cancel its registration for receiving funds and to blacklist US based Bengali Christian Ministry to donate money to its sister concern in India

It is hoped that the Home Ministry takes suitable action against the conversion mafia running riot in India by effectively freezing all the foreign funds to Christian NGOs which are just front offices for the global evangelist network which aims to convert all Hindus in India to Christianity by hook or crook.

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