Uncategorized On Occasion Of 70th Year Of Aggression Of China Into Tibet: Big Corporations Doing Business With China To Be Indirectly Blamed? (Part 2 Of 3) (This is in continuation of my article ‘On the Occasion Of 70th Year Of Aggression Of China Into Tibet: Big Corporations Doing Business With...
Uncategorized Pakistan Blasphemy Law “Toolkit for Slaughtering Minorities” “Asia Bibi”: One of many Minorities booked under pretext of Blasphemy Law. Asia Bibi Background Asia Bibi was a Pakistani Christian who lived in...
uncategorized uncategorized On Occasion of 70th year of aggression of China into Tibet: Big Corporations doing business with china to be indirectly Blamed? (Part 1 of 3) Buddhist Genocide in Tibet :- While much of the international community has focused on abuses against the Uighur Muslims in the Chinese province of Xingang, the human...
Security Security Pakistan Blasphemy Laws “Forced Evil on Minority” Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws Pakistan’s blasphemy laws carry a potential death sentence for anyone who insults Islam. This is mainly used as a tool to...