Uncategorized “Face The Brutes Swami” Posted on October 25, 2020 by khullamkhulla The exhortation came from a roadside mendicant to a young yet unknown and unnamed sanyasin being chased by brutish monkeys...
Uncategorized Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amit Shah , Piyush Goel, And All BJP CMs Must Come Down Heavily On Arsonists And Political Goons During Illegal Bandhs khullamkhulla Prime Minister Narendra Modi should give a call to people of India and security forces to confront and deal firmly with road &...
Uncategorized Why Hindus, orthodox or deracinated, must defend Hinduism with all their might & life? Why must I defend Hinduism and even be ready to die for it? I was born a Hindu. I know nothing about Brahmanic rituals,...
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized Narendra Modi must take on certain intractable bulls by horns I’m recycling my old article since it has far greater relevance even today in the light of developments that are taking place in judiciary...