In a shocking incident that has sent shockwaves across the nation, a young woman was brutally harassed and assaulted in the heart of one of India’s most prestigious educational institutions, Banaras Hindu University (BHU). This incident, which occurred on Wednesday, has left everyone questioning the safety and security of its academic spaces.

The victim, a female student at BHU, was confronted by a group of men who were riding within the university campus. They forcibly kissed her, stripped her naked, molested her, and also assaulted her male friend who was with her. To make matters even more distressing, the perpetrators recorded photos and videos of the victim during this horrifying ordeal.

This reprehensible incident has once again raised questions about the safety of women on college campuses in India. It is not the first time such an event has taken place within the BHU campus. A few years ago, a similar incident occurred, prompting the university to take certain measures to improve security. However, it appears that these measures have failed to provide adequate protection for students.

The question that now looms large is, who should be held responsible for this appalling incident? Is it the fault of the perpetrators or the university administration?

The responsibility for ensuring the safety and security of students falls squarely on the university administration. It is their duty to create an environment where students can pursue their education without fear or harm. BHU, like all educational institutions, must take swift and decisive action to prevent such incidents and to ensure that those who perpetrate such crimes face severe consequences.

The incident at BHU serves as a harsh reminder that more significant steps need to be taken to address the issue of campus safety in India. This incident should galvanize not just the university administration but also society at large to stand against such acts of violence and demand the creation of safer spaces for all, regardless of their gender.

As this case unfolds, the nation watches with bated breath to see how the authorities respond and whether justice will be served for the victims. It is a time for reflection and action, a moment when society must come together to ensure that educational institutions are places of enlightenment and safety rather than scenes of horror and violence.

Image by: Ashish Kumar Jaist (

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