Uncategorized ‘I have not received invitation for Bhoomi Poojan of Shri Ram temple yet, we also need the blessings of Lord Rama’ In such a situation, BJP leader Meenakshi Lekhi gave an agreement on the allegation of CM Kejriwal that he did not get the invitation... by Nirupam July 24, 2020July 24, 2020
Satire Satire Satire Will , Oli Visit the Real Ayodhya ? Sicne the neighbourhood PM Oli had started consuming the low quality Charas and Ganja(चरस गाँजा) of China ,he talks something , that the whole... by Ajay kumar jha July 19, 2020July 19, 2020
Uncategorized Media In India A King enrolled his donkey in a race & won. Local papers read: ‘KING’s ASS WON’ The king was so upset with this kind... by Dilbert July 14, 2020July 25, 2020