51 Days Yoga Consciousness Series 2nd May-21st June 2021

Knowledge of Yoga is infinite, boundless and timeless. “Learning Yoga is an everlasting journey that leads you within and Within is where you find the world of immortal bliss”. –Mitraasha

Namaste All My Yoga Yaatris! May Yog Bless You!

The idea behind running this 51 Days Yoga Consciousness series is to proffer my modest learnings and share the divine pearls of Yoga science with people at large. Let’s have a conjoint intent to learn, implement and extend the wisdom of Yoga with a positive co-action and harmonious reverberation amongst each other.

Asana For The Torsion Of The Spine– Supta Vakrasana

Supta Vakrasana – Reclining spinal twist pose

Vakra means curve, and as the name suggests itself, it is an asana to curve the torso for giving the spinal column a twist, here a half twist and it can be done sitting, standing or lying down. Today we will see the reclining supine(on back) variants of Vakrasana which is called Supta-Vakrasana. Practising this asana exercises the waist and the abdominal organs and is very beneficial for those living a sedentary lifestyle.

Limitations / Contraindications

  • People suffering from severe back ache issues, abdominal inflammation or recent surgery, peptic ulcers, hernia, sciatica and pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.

How to practice?

Variant 1
SuptaVakrasan V1 step2
SuptaVakrasan V1 step1
  • Lie down supine (on the back) on a mat with legs stretched out forward completely and hands placed on the floor on their respective sides. 
  • Hold the back, head and shoulders resting but straight and firm on the mat.
  • First stretch both the arms out perpendicular to the body and now fold the legs at the knees, draw the ankles in closer to the hip, place the feet and knees together, perpendicular to the floor and inhale normally. 
  • Now, exhaling in 3 seconds, slowly let the legs fall together on the left side of the body in a way that the left knee rests on the floor and the right knee rests upon the left one. Ensure about the coordination such that the legs and pelvis move as one unit and the knees rest together and so does the feet one above another.
  • At the same time, turn the neck to the right and gaze at the right thumb.
  • Suspending your breath, stay in this final position for 6 seconds.
  • Hold the back and shoulders firm and steady on the floor.
  • It is important to remember that no strenuous exertion should be made while twisting, it has to be performed to one’s individual capacity.
  • Next, with an inhalation in 3 seconds, bring back your bent legs and the neck to the centre position from their respective sides.
  • And without any pause, exhaling in 3 seconds, slowly let the legs fall together on the right side of the body in a way that the right knee rests on the floor and the left knee rests upon the right one. Ensure about the coordination such that the legs and pelvis move as one unit and the knees rest together and so does the feet one above another.
  • At the same time, turn the neck to the left and gaze at the left thumb.
  • Suspending your breath, stay in this final position for 6 seconds.
  • Hold the back and shoulders firm and steady on the floor.
  • Next, with an inhalation in 3 seconds, bring back your bent legs and the neck to the centre position from their respective sides.
  • Now release the hands and legs from the posture and relax.
  • This completes one round of Supta Vakrasana variant-1.
  • It is recommended to practice 3-4 rounds per session, with a pause in-between each round. 
Let us look at the variant-2
Variant 2
SuptaVakrasan V2 step2
SuptaVakrasan V2 step1
  • Lie down supine (on the back) on a mat with legs stretched out forward completely and hands placed on the floor on their respective sides. 
  • Hold the back, head and shoulders resting but straight and firm on the mat. 
  • First stretch both the arms out perpendicular to the body and now fold the legs at the knees, draw the ankles in closer to the hip, place the feet and knees hip width apart from each other, perpendicular to the floor and inhale normally. 
  • Now, exhaling in 3 seconds, slowly let the legs fall together on the left side of the body in a way that the both knees rests on the floor in such a way that the right knee rests near the left ankle. Ensure about the coordination such that the legs and pelvis move as one unit.
  • At the same time, turn the neck to the right and gaze at the right thumb.
  • Suspending your breath, stay in this final position for 6 seconds.
  • Hold the back and shoulders firm and steady on the floor.
  • It is important to remember that no strenuous exertion should be made while twisting, it has to be performed to one’s individual capacity.
  • Next, with an inhalation in 3 seconds, bring back your bent legs and the neck to the centre position from their respective sides.
  • And without any pause, exhaling in 3 seconds, slowly let the legs fall together on the right side of the body in a way that the both knees rests on the floor in such a way that the left knee rests near the right ankle. Ensure about the coordination such that the legs and pelvis move as one unit.
  • At the same time, turn the neck to the left and gaze at the left thumb.
  • Suspending your breath, stay in this final position for 6 seconds.
  • Hold the back and shoulders firm and steady on the floor.
  • Next, with an inhalation in 3 seconds, bring back your bent legs and the neck to the centre position from their respective sides.
  • Now release the hands and legs from the posture and relax.
  • This completes one round of Supta Vakrasana variant-2.
  • It is recommended to practice 3-4 rounds per session, with a pause in-between each round.

Note: For those who are not comfortable initially to retain or suspend the breath as suggested, may do the entire flow of asana with normal breathing.


It works on the lateral rotators of the vertebral column, relieves rigidity of the vertebrae, strengthens the spinal column, exercises and relaxes the spinal muscles in an alternative sequence giving a good relief from minor lumbago issues, pains and stiffness.

The isometric contraction of the anterior abdominal wall gently exercises the abdominal and back muscles. 

It fortifies and relaxes the muscles of your lower back alleviating pain and works on the flexors of the shoulder joints. 

Excess flab from the lateral sides of the abdomen is released. 

It reinvigorates mental capacity, instills attentiveness, improves concentration and helps in staying more mindful and in present.

Thought of the day: “There is no progress toward ultimate freedom without transformation, and this is the key issue in all lives.” – B.K.S Iyenger

Link to day 37: Ardha Matsyendrasana-The Spinal Half Twist Posture https://kreately.in/day-37-ardha-matsyendrasana-mitraasha/

Link to day 39 : Pawanmuktasana-The Anti Flatus Pose https://kreately.in/day-39-pawanmuktasana-mitraasha/

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