Exotic India Art is an e-commerce platform actively dealing with Indian made products since 1998. Exotic India Art is dealing with products related to Indian Art, Paintings, Books, Sculptures, Jewelry, Textiles, Beads, Beauty, Healthcare, CDs, DVDs, and much more. Here you will find product based on Indian Tradition, Culture, and Religions.

If you are interested in India made products related to Indian Jewelry you must visit Exotic India Art Jewelry gallery where you will our new brand product Faceted Gemstone Cuff Bracelet. You will also find a marvelous collection Indian Jewelry such as Earrings, Bracelets, Rings, Necklace, Pendant, Anklets, Tantras, and in many other forms. All these Jewelry are made of many different materials, Stones and Gems (Amber, Coral, Amethyst, Sterling Silver, Garnet, Perl, Peridot, and much more), Buddhist, Fashionable, etc.

Get Faceted Gemstone Cuff Bracelet Made Of Peridot Garnet and Amethyst

Get Faceted Gemstone Cuff Bracelet Made Of Peridot Garnet and Amethyst

As a woman, we are constantly giving and providing care to people around us; family, colleagues and friends. More often than not, we tend to overlook ourselves and forget that we, too, deserve a treat from time to time. Pamper yourself because you can, and you deserve it. All items here are carefully sourced for and selected by Exotic India Asrt. We keep up to date with the latest designs at reasonable prices while not compromising on quality.

This sterling silver cuff bracelet is dotted with gemstones of peridot, garnet and amethyst. Respectively, bring good strength and vitality, improved blood circulation, and calmness to the wearer. It is 0.8 inch in height, 2.2 inch in diameter, and weighs 72 grams.

Perfect as a gift for all occasions, or even a quick perk-me-up purchase, this jewelry must have definitely caught your eye for you to linger here. Exotic India Art brings to you stunning exquisite pieces from all over the world to your doorstep so it saves you the hassle and time from searching for quality pieces at best prices. Each item is stocked in limited quantities and there is no guarantee we will be able to find a similar piece once it is sold out. However, we can guarantee you will not regret it. No harm in a gentle treat for yourself from time to time.

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