Jogendra Nath Mondal – Victim of Jinnah`s Deception.

Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who went on to become father of Pakistan, agreed and led the concept of a Separate Pakistan as homeland for Muslim in the year 1940 at their Lahore declaration. Since this date, Jinnah started manipulating every stakeholder. He adopted every deceit shamelessly with British, Congress and people of this land brazenly invoking violence, abduction, rape, killing and mass murder to meet his goal.
Muslim League and Jinnah – Deceit with Ambedkar.
The first to be deceived by the treachery of Jinnah was none other than Baba Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Initially Jinnah approached Ambedkar for his political aspiration. He invited him for a collaboration against the Congress and Hindu mobilization within the nation. The idea was to create a schism in the Hindu society and embolden the cause of Pakistan with the approval of new mobilization.
But he dumped Ambedkar as the earliest sight of later Nationalistic flavor. Bhim Rao Ambedkar in his book titled “Pakistan or the Partition of India” had lucidly written some paragraph exposing the duplicity of Jinnah and Muslim League. If one goes through the books written during the freedom movement, only two freedom fighters Baba BhimRao Ambedkar and Veer Savarkar could understand and anticipate the chicanery of Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Never could the two leading politician Gandhi and Nehru understood the Jinnah manipulation and that ultimately entailed into over 2 million Hindu Sikh and Muslim Massacre during the course of partition in 1947.
Jogendra nath Mondal – A cheated and humiliated Jinnah Believer.
Another worst victim of Jinnah sinister experiment and political fraud happened with one Jogendra Nath Mondal, a Dalit from East Bengal. In early days Mr Mondal was a close companion of Baba Ambedkar and a savior for the rights of Dalit Hindu in east Bengal. He was recognized for his work among Dalit Hindu for social upliftment by Subhash Chandra bose as well as Sarat Chandra Bose. He fought and won election in 1937 for provincial government defeating congress candidate Saral kumar Dutta. But disillusioned by the policy of main stream party, he went on to join Muslim league in 1940 and was subsequently awarded with position of minister in Bengal Muslim league government of Suharawardy in 1946.
He was won over by Mohammad Ali Jinnah during partition under promise of a Secular Pakistan and respectful position in administration. Mondal was painted as poster boy, a messiah for Hindu Dalit and was even nominated as first Law minister of Pakistan and a founding leader of Pakistani constituent assembly.
Jogendra nath mondal was manipulated as a bargaining tool in the journey of fulfillment of the dream of Pakistan by Mohammad ali Jinnah. Mondal spent his three year 1947-50 in the then capital of Pakistan in Karachi.
But a disgusted and humiliated Jogendra Nath Mondal finally penned down his resignation letter in 1950 to Liyaqat Ali Khan the Prime Minister of Pakistan and left Pakistan to return to India. He died under extreme remorse and guilt in 1968.
What happened in these three years 47-50 with Jogendra nath Mondal? What made this Secularist and Jinnah believer to take a deplorable death in agony?
His resignation letter should have been the compulsory page for every Indian and Dalit Hindu to read and comprehend the treacherous role of Mohammad Ali Jinnah with Dalit Hindu.
If you just read the verbatim representation of the last paragraph, you trace his grief and agony! “Leaving aside the overall picture of Pakistan and the callous and cruel injustice done to others, my own personal experience is no less sad, bitter and revealing. “
Mandal writes, “To my utter regret it is to be stated that after partition, particularly after the death of Quaid-e-Azam, the Scheduled Castes have not received a fair deal in any matter…I brought to your notice incidents of barbarous atrocities perpetrated by the police on frivolous grounds.”
What incident Mr Mandal was referring to. And a summary of his words are so painful to be reproduced here. He was devastated during his association with Muslim League.
Noakhali riots and Direct Action Day – 16th Aug 1946.
Joginder nath mondal was especially pained at the two events leading to formation of Pakistan. One Noakhali riot and another Direct Action day on 16th Aug 1946 in Bengal. It is however he could never gather courage to denounce the role of Muslim League Suharawardy in his political career. His one line which explains his anguish was “It resulted in a holocaust”. But such was his affection for Jinnah and Muslim league that he thought better to hold truth for token position in Pakistani parliament.
1950 – Riots against Namasudras in Pakistan:-
In his resignation letter Joginder Mondal cites several riots where Hindu were brazenly persecuted in Pakistan and administration and police actively shielded and instigated the rioters.
In 1949, Riots against Scheduled Caste of Harbinger district and in Gournadi of Barisal district in 1949 were among the few horrendous moments he describes. Property was set ablaze and female members were snatched and distributed among the ring leader of rioters.
Another village called Digharkul near Gopalganj, Kalashira on February 28, 1950, where the local Namasudras were driven out of place. All belongings were looted. Hindu women were subject to mass rape. The ordeal was too painful for him to describe.
At Nachole, Similar incident happened. Tribal Santhal were the target in this area. The rage of rioters was so intense that Santhal left Pakistan (East Bengal) and crossed over to India as a refugee. Here again the womenfolk were subjected to all dishonor, abduction and rape.
As per Jogender Nath Mandal, Police and military offered logistic support to these rioters and planned methods of burning looting killing and raping were orchestrated uniformly across the Pakistan to get rid of Hindu population.
1950 Dacca riots killed nearly 10,000 people
Abhorrent!! Two infamous incidents on railway lines connecting Dacca Narayanganj, and Dacca Chittagong had shaken the belief of Mondal. Hindus were picked up from the train and neighboring villages and killed for continuous nine days in these two routes.
20th February 1950, The Dacca riot was another one event which horrified Jogender Nath Mondal. Places like Barisal, Kasipur, Madhabpasha and Lakutia were torched and hindus were segregated and heckled to death. At Madhabpasha, the Hindu ran for safety from rioters and took shelter in the landlord’s house where more than 200 females and kids were burnt to death.
At Muladi Bandar Kaibartakhali under P.S. Rajapur and at Babuganj Bazar, local police took charge of rioting, looting and follow up gang of fanatics burnt the hapless Hindu. The females were segregated and distributed among the rioters for their carnal pleasure.
As per Jogender Nath Mondal, Alone in district of Barisal, in a conservative estimate nearly 2,500 Hindus were killed and neighboring Dacca witnessed the death of over 10,000 Hindu. All this pogrom were orchestrated with by active collusion between local Muslim league politician and Muslim office of administration.
Jogender nath mandal despite being a member of parliament and handpicked blue eyed secularist by Mohammad Ali Jinnah was not heard and was asked to be confined to his room while a planned massacre of Hindu continued.
The resignation letter in detail had his narrative filled with his helplessness, anguish, humiliation and grief. A small quote from his resignation letter explaining his disillusionment with himself was like “The lamentation of women and children who had lost their all including near and dear ones melted my hearts. I only asked myself. “What was coming to Pakistan in the name of lslam”,” Mandal questions the very basic idea of creation of Pakistan in his letter.”
Failure of Liaquat –Nehru Pact:-
Jogendar nath mondal was a blind idealist who was obsessed with his power and position post 1940, since his days of joining Muslim league. His idealism arrogated him to approve The Liaquat–Nehru Pact or the Delhi agreement as sacrosanct agreement.
The treaty was signed on April 8, 1950 for the protection of Minority society in respective countries. While Muslim stayed and flourished in India, the Hindu society gradually clenched. In Pakistan the result was abhorrent, over 200 lac Hindu left their homes within one year. Large scale loot, burning of property, abduction of women, rape and murder led to continuous exodus of Hindus from even Hindu majority districts of Dacca, Barisal, Faridpur, Khulna and Jessore.
Social and Professional Boycott of Hindu in Pakistan:-
In a few years’ time, The Secular Jogender Nath Mondal was frightened at the sight of rapid expansion of Islamic education and clout of Ansaar, a group of fanatics in Pakistan. The slogan to “boycott of Hindu lawyers, medical practitioners, shopkeepers, traders and merchants was an assault on livelihood. Hindu teachers were compelled to recite Quran in Schools or expelled on the ground of incompatibility. Police in connivance with Criminals abducted and raped Hindus and especially from amongst weaker Section scheduled caste at will. And no police complaint was ever entertained.
Jogendra nath Mondal narrated series of incident with grief and helplessness where conversion to Islam was left as only choice of survival and for leading a graceful life before the Scheduled caste in specially area around Sindh and Punjab.
Property, Land and Religious rights of Hindu
Temples were desecrated, land and shops were looted at will. The Landed property of rich and decorated Hindu were confiscated by local Muslim league committee and distributed among the refugee and no legal remedy was provided. He cited one example of plunder and seizure of Pinjara Pole as a possession in Karachi. He looked at the suffering of Hindu and especially weaker section Scheduled caste with extreme pain and no solution.
He narrated in his resignation letter his fear for his future in the following words. What he concealed all his life was now a naked truth. “To develop Pakistan as a purely ‘Islamic’ State based on the Shariat and the injunctions and formularies of Islam. I presumed that it would be set up in all essentials after the pattern contemplated in the Muslim League resolution adopted at Lahore on March 23, 1940”.
On his personal Humiliation:-
Jogender nath Mondal had chosen a Muslim majority Pakistan over a secular India only to prove his secular credential and trust in Jinnah`s idea of Islamic Society. But his experience in a few years itself destroyed him. Despite being a member of Cabinet and first law and labour minister of Pakistan, he was not invited for a Government meeting. On occasion he was humiliated for his Hindu belief and identity of Scheduled Caste Hindu. On one such occasion, he was asked to sit on a stool outside the meeting room away from the Minister.
In 1953 Mondal resigned from the Cabinet and migrated to India. He died in the year 1968 in extreme pain and penitence.
Trusting him, nearly 7 million Scheduled Caste Hindu (Meghwals, Odhs, Valmikis, Kohlis and Bhils) had stayed back in Pakistan. While Jogendernath Mondal realized his blunder he migrated to Indian in 1953. But he left behind his fellow hapless Dalit Hindu follower to face a tormented life daily full of abuse, insult and dystopia in an extremely hostile and repulsive hateful climate.
Never ever any conscious attempt was made to expose the plight of Crook historian, who failed to document anything about the plight of Dalit Hindu. Never was the resignation letter of Jogendra nath Mandal discussed in Indian Parliament. Even Media and writers never did any literary work to create awareness about this humane plight of worst order. And never the elite of Hindu society could realize the pain and suffering of this blunder that happened in 1947 on unfortunate Dalit Hindu.
Why Hindu Dalit should trust Muslim Jinnah?
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