
The macabre massacre, the beyond barbaric slaughter, the wave of genocide, burning of whole villages (as I write, two villages have been completely burnt down) that have been unleashed on Hindus in Bangladesh is being witnessed by the world with absolute deafening silence in most of the very important quarters of the world, viz. UNO, the USA, Europe etc.

Most international mainstream media are painting these episodes of orgy of violence with all kinds of brushes except the religious one. They are so thick-skinned, so ruthless, so dishonest and so much focused in their pure and unadulterated hatred for Hindus that they would stoop to any bottom to say words with messages such as:

It is not Hindus who are being killed, stupid! 

It is the revenge by some members of one party.

What is reported on social media is all lies.

It is high time, nay it is past due, that Hindus realize they have to fight their own battles.

They must realize they have enemies in all ten directions.

They must come to terms with the fact that crying, complaining or running away would not ensure their survival. Period.

The way out has to be now obvious to those who are sitting on the powder keg before being kicked out of existence.

Threats Hindus Face

What is going on in Bangladesh is the latest threat to the existence of Hindus. However, it is beyond any debate now that in Bharat, as well as outside Bharat, Hindus are under constant threat, attacks and even physical assaults and it is also, unfortunately, a fact that Hindus usually complain, cry and run away rather than putting up any resistance to defend themselves.

The attacks are of both kinds; intellectual as well as physical.

Most Hindus run away from both these kinds of attacks.

Most of the attacks are in the form of jihads by one particular religious community.

There are many kinds of jihads happening, the most aggressive and violent being love jihad that involves individual Hindu girls.

Hindus also experience violent attacks during Ram Navami yatra, Hanuman Jayanti Yatra, Kawad yatra, Amarnath yatra, Durga Puja etc. There are constant attacks taking place on the non-believers on flimsy pretexts and on manufactured grounds on provocation of the community by their leaders.

We also know about land-jihad, food jihad etc. Since most of us know the details of all kinds of jihad, I would offer my suggestions on how to deal with ‘The Jihad’ in Bharat.

Running Away is Cowardice 

Unfortunately, during most of the attacks, most Hindus simply cave in instead of putting up a self-defense.

This approach of running away is fatalistic for us, for our future generations and our civilization.

When Art 370 was withdrawn, one Kashmiri Hindu stated in his interview to a news reporter that in 1970-80s when they were building big houses and businesses, the local peaceful community members used to laugh at them and tell them to go ahead and do what he was doing as ultimately all that would belong to them only. He continued that they never really considered this of much concern, in fact they laughed it off as jokes and they kept doing what they were good at. And, then 19/01/1990 happened.

In the aftermath of West Bengal state elections in the year 2021, and what is now happening post Lok Sabha elections, the kind of mayhem that was and is being unleashed on BJP supporters and Hindus by the goons of TMC blessed and perhaps prompted by the top leadership of TMC, Hindus just ran away or are running away to the neighboring state of Assam.

In the light of the happenings in Mewat (Haryana) last year and elsewhere, Hindus seriously need to get out of their deep sleep. Hopefully, Hindus can take a leaf out of the book of Uttarakhand Hindus who have finally decided to unite and fight for their rights against relentless attacks on them by the ‘so-called peaceful’ community.

There are many pockets in India where Hindus and/or police are not allowed to enter, and there are many areas in India where Hindus are asked to leave, sell their houses if this particular peaceful community has sizable numbers living in those areas.

For accomplishing their objective, they employ many techniques of torture and harassment to force Hindus to leave from there.

One may want to know what kind of techniques they use. Here is the snapshot of that;

  •         Asking their kids to empty bowels in front of the houses of the Hindus
  •         Harassing the females of Hindu households
  •         Blocking their vehicles
  •         Making loud noise every day in the middle of the night
  •         Creating uncalled for fights on a daily basis
  •         Slaughtering goats in front of the houses of vegetarian Hindus
  •         Throwing meat pieces on the front parts of the houses of Hindus
  •         Overall making life miserable for any sane person.

And, how do the Hindus respond? Simply run away.

Today, officially Hindus are in Minority in 8-9 states and Union Territories. And, the population of the so-called minority is rapidly growing.

It is likely that the rate at which the population of this second largest majority is growing and the way the Hindus keep running away, Bharat will no longer remain a land of Hindus.

Apart from these jihads, there is another simultaneous annihilation of Hindus happening in terms of conversion to Christianity. There is no denying that thousands of Hindus are leaving dharma to convert to Christianity, though it is difficult to know the exact numbers.

In fact, just a few weeks back sometime in June or beginning of July, Justice Rohit Ranjan Agarwal of Allahabad high court stated that ‘If this process [of conversion] is allowed to be carried out, the majority population of this country would be in the minority one day’.

So then, where would Hindus find shelter? Kashmiri Hindus found shelter in Jammu; Bengalis received support from the Assam Government. Any Hindu feeling threatened by the peaceful community is able to go and find refuge somewhere in Bharat today.

However, when the demographic situation reaches its threatening proportion, and when a mob is trying to get into our house, where would the Hindu run away to? Does any Hindu have any answer to this question?

Hindus Fought for a Thousand Years

Hindus were not pacifist before. Not certainly before the Europeans invaded.

Wherever the barbarians from the middle east, central Asia etc. went, they annihilated the culture and civilization of those countries in a matter of a few decades, while they could not convert more than 15-20 percent of Hindus even though their assaults, attacks continued for close to a thousand years.

Islam was founded in what is Saudi Arabia today in 632 AD. Today, there are 57 Muslim countries and most of them are outside the Arab region. It is not that those countries did not fight but they could not sustain the fight while we Bharatiya-s fought for almost 1000 years.

As per the writings of Will Durant, ‘The Islamic conquest of India was perhaps the bloodiest story in history’’.

By many other estimates, anywhere from 50-80 million Hindus were butchered, raped and/or enslaved during the period of this thousand years.

In spite of so much violence, Hindus kept fighting and a significant part of the population refused to convert, which is the reason we were close to 85% in post-partition Bharat.

However, in our school, we have been only taught about the wars that we lost, not about those wars which we decisively won.

When Mohammed Gazni invaded Somnath mandir to desecrate and plunder it, he was opposed by close to fifty thousand local civilians, and fought him till their last breath.

It is likely that we became cowards post Macaulay education system which resulted in closing down our 750,000 plus pathashalas across the country, at least one in each village, which was a very powerful and fatal blow on our roots and our civilization.

This agenda was carried forward by the Nehru-Commies-Islamists cabal and Bollywood helped a great deal to make our population what it is today.

The stark reality of the demography is staring us in the face which is going to tilt the balance against the Hindus and Vedic civilization which we take for granted now. It is only a matter of time, and we are not talking about 100 or 200 years. It is most likely to happen in the life-time of this writer.

What is happening in Bangladesh now should finally kick us out of our slumber. If not, people dying in sleep is not uncommon.

Emergence of a new Eco-system and some Solutions 

Thanks to social media and thanks to the Modi government, at least an ecosystem is evolving wherein the gate-keepers of yesteryears are no longer in control of their anti-Hindu narratives anymore.

Rajiv Malhotra, Dr. Vikram Sampath, J. Sai Deepak, Anand Ranganathan, Dr. Minaxi Jain, Ashwini Upadhyaya, R. Vaidyanathan, Swati Goel Sharma, Sanjeev Newar, Dr. Omendra Ratnu, Neeraj Atri etc. are able to talk publicly and reach out about their works to a much larger audience today than at any time in the past.

There seems to be a consensus amongst the frontline Bharatiya scholars about how to save ourselves.

This approach can be summarized as I understand from the works of Rajiv Malhotra, J. Sai Deepak and several scholars mentioned above;

  1. Learn/use our matrubhasha (mother tongue). Read texts in our matrubhasha.
  2. Wear Hindu symbols/identify visibly that you are Hindus. Feel proud of being who you are.
  3. In Bharat, if you cannot do much to help getting the mandirs out of Government’s control, take ownership of your local mandirs.
  4. Do not walk away from celebrating your Hindu festivals, in the name of environment or saving resources. There are many ways we can contribute for the betterment of the environment. And about saving resources, our shastra-s teach us all that.
  5. Get out of the sleeping mode and realize that Hindu Dharma is not a pacifist Dharma. In the message through Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta, Bhagwan Krishna encourages Arjuna to fight yuddha to save Dharma. Sai Deepak says not to use Geeta to teach pacifism to your children but teach ‘kshatriyata’ (to learn to fight to protect).
  6. If we cannot be Maharana Pratap, then be at least Bhama Shah. If you cannot be in the line of fire, then do help financially wholeheartedly those who are in the line of fire fighting ‘our’ battles.
  7. Spend time reading our sacred texts.
  8. Rajiv Malhotra keeps talking about doing purvapaksha of #breakingindiaforces, so kindly follow his advice.
  9. Do your Svadharma and encourage and inspire others to do their Svadharma.
  10. Again, Rajiv Malhotra and many others I named above have done very deep research and analysis to encourage us to develop intellectual kshatriyata, so get inspired by them who are doing great tapasya for our dharma.
  11. The most important thing all Hindus need to do is make ‘Mohalla committees (neighborhood committees)’ which can be vigilant 24/7 and strategize how to deal with the crisis that is staring us in the face. This is the need of this crucial moment in the life of our civilization.

Self-Defense Tool-Kit

I want to add my one and a half paise suggestions as under:

  1. Some Hindu organizations should start schools/training centers to impart training in; Martial Arts free or at a very reasonable fee, so that even poor Hindu children can benefit from this art. Learning this art can increase one’s confidence apart from inculcating strength and discipline. Bodhidharma and Buddha Bhadra from Bharat took Martial Arts to China around the 5th or 6th century and look where is China today in this art form while we are struggling to keep some of them alive? 
  2. Ashtanga Yoga must be taught mandatorily to every student above 6 years in the schools.
  3. Many voices are being heard about deleting the wrong history that is being taught and include what is the truth. For that, the Government needs to recruit true scholars, not those pseudo-scholars from their own close-knit circles, or those who have not done adequate tapasya, the hard work needed for such kinds of scholarships.
  4. Those who are doing selfless service for the Sanatana dharma should keep their eyes and ears open and identify the talent in the community, especially amongst those who are very young, and help nurture them so that they can become leaders in their respective fields.
  5. Last and the most important suggestion I have is we need to come out with what I would call a Self-Defense Tool-Kit. This kit with a prominent Hindu symbol on it may include the followings;

a) A small spray bottle made using a very hot pepper such as Bhoot Jolokia from Assam (which is used in military weaponry too).

b) A self-defense object that is retractable that can be very quickly opened.

c) A loud alarm sound producing device.

Again, all the Hindu organizations must encourage all the vulnerable sections of Hindus, and those Hindus who feel challenged by the jihadis to always carry the tool kit with them wherever they live, stay or go. It should become a kavach-kundal (Shield) of every Hindu.

This tool kit should be innovatively designed so that it is small to carry, easy to operate and cheap to procure.

As far as possible, some deshpremi business leaders should come forward and offer these tool kits free to those who cannot afford them and at reasonable prices so that everyone can possess them.

We know we are almost at the end of the road, but we need to do what Rajputs did. Fight till the end.

We must be ready to do ‘saka jauhar’, rather than run away. In any case, Hindus will die if attacked, so why not die fighting? The toll will be much less if we put up resistance.

I am hopeful that the need of this hour will force Hindus to learn the lesson that will help them survive.


Udit Shah


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