Sreedhareeyam-Ayurvedic Eye Hospital: Let us have an Eye for it

Sometime in February of 2022, Sreedhareeyam Eye Hospital based in Kerala was in the news on a global scale when the former Prime Minister of Kenya expressed his profound appreciation of this Ayurvedic Hospital which restored his 44-year daughter’s eyesight, especially after the family tried treatment in so many countries without any success. She had become blind after a stroke in 2017 and spent two years in total darkness. *
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He also requested our Prime Minister Narendra Modi for helping him establish an Ayurvedic Treatment plan in Kenya.
This Ayurvedic Eye Hospital is an incredible eye treatment center, the only one in the entire world, where if one wants to actually see with their own eyes, or experience miracles, this is the go-to place.
I have my own personal experience relating to this hospital as an eighteen-year-old son of a close family friend was treated there successfully in 2009 after miserable failure by several ‘highly reputed’ and ‘high-profile specialists’ in treating his condition.
Initially, he developed redness in one eye, called Uveitis, which would not go away for a couple of weeks, so the family got worried and took him to a family physician and then later on to a local ophthalmologist.
A couple of visits resulted in the prescriptions of some eye drops but that did not help, so one day, the doctor injected him with a steroid medication, which normally would reduce inflammation, and redness is the symptom of inflammation. The ophthalmologist used the words ‘there is fire behind his eyes, so this is the only option’.
However, that too did not help and in a few days’ time, his intraocular pressure shot up to almost 35-40 (which went up to 60 later, while the normal is 20) in both the eyes, which actually was a side effect of the steroid which is a very well-known fact and the doctor assured that it would come back to normal after a few days.
But it did not become normal for a long time. So, now he was struggling to deal with two conditions, Uveitis and Glaucoma (rise in Intraocular pressure).
The days and months of agony started. Visit after visit, one specialist after another, one kind of treatment after another, and nothing was working. Several specialists diagnosed several conditions, all postulations and idiopathic (in layman’s language, guesswork), such as Rheumatoid Arthritis Uveitis, Connective Tissue Disorder, Wegener’s Granulomatosis and they all wanted to try treating one or more of these conditions.
One specialist suggested treatment for Connective tissue disorder which was similar to Chemotherapy. Another specialist suggested Trabeculectomy, a Glaucoma surgery of the eye that would create a new pathway for the fluid inside the eye to be drained with a comment that, if not done, he may even lose his vision.
Total 7 doctors, most of them eye specialists, and almost a year of trial and tribulations later, his condition was getting worse. After the first raise in his Intraocular pressure to 35, it stayed in the range of 35-60 for a long time.
Finally, another specialist doctor told the family that he needs to take Cellcept, a medication that is normally prescribed for patients who undergo transplant surgery which fights the rejection of the transplanted organ by weakening the immune system.
Taking this medication may be fine for those who get organ transplanted in their body and to retain them, there is no other option but to take these medications and it is fine if one takes this medication at a much older age.
But for a teenager to take this medication means a huge negative impact in his normal living.
Anyway, let me make a long story short.
The parents declined to start the son on this medication and started the search for some Ayurvedic treatment. This story is almost 13 years old, so Sreedhareeyam was not easily available to find out on Google. But, when one puts his/her head down coupled with Prarthana, Prabhu comes to help. Prarthana has immense shakti. This is our personal experience.
Both parents worked day and night to find out some Ayurvedic treatment plans that would help their son. Mother would stay awake till late at night and keep doing searches on the internet. They were sleepless, relentless, and getting drained out of their energy. But they kept trying.
Finally, the mother found a ray of hope.
She found a blog, written by someone who lived in New York, about his own experience with Sreedhareeyam, and as luck would have it, he had a similar condition as their son. She somehow managed to get in touch with the person and heard from him about his personal experience. The closing sentence that gentleman said was that if I were you, I would catch the first flight after this conversation is over.
The parents followed his advice.
The father and the son, both left for Sreedhareeyam Hospital in Kerala in next few days and stayed there for 3 weeks.
Since the son had two different conditions, Uveitis and Glaucoma, Sreedhareeyam’s doctor suggested treating only one condition at a time for which Uveitis was selected.
The doctors advised the son to continue all his Allopathic eye drops as advised by the doctors in Canada.
Lo and behold, Uveitis was gone in 3 weeks.
For good.
The hospital asked him to return for Glaucoma treatment after 4 months.
So, he did.
The son admitted himself for 3 weeks for the treatment and in 2 weeks’ time, his Intraocular pressure came back to normal in the range of 12-18.
He continued Ayurvedic medications for six months, while his Allopathic eye drops were tapered off.
Once back in Canada, he kept monitoring his Intraocular pressure for six months and it never raised its ugly head, ever again.
This handsome highly educated 33-year-old young man got married in the summer of 2022 to a beautiful lady and looking forward to an excellent career as well as a very happy life ahead.
For a second, imagine this scenario.
What if the parents had succumbed to the pressure of the ‘specialists?
I am not at all trying to say here that modern medicine has nothing good for the people. There are a lot of areas where modern medicine is a blessing for mankind; like in cases of accidents, trauma, infections, emergency situations, a lot of surgeries etc.
It would be good for the mankind if modern medicine respects the age-old tried and tested for thousands of years Ayurvedic field as well. At personal level, there are thousands of doctors in this modern medicine who are open-minded and who do respect this ancient knowledge. Unfortunately, it is the professional bodies of these physicians that have usurped the power of ‘the-only-healthcare-providers’, and have monopolized the truth by virtue of their stranglehold on politics, media and academia.
The ancient Ayurvedic treatment is laughed at and considered as primitive and a sign of backwardness.
Before I close, I must mention about some gems that the father of this young man personally witnessed and this story must be told.
• The first dose of treatment for a new patient is provided in at least 300-year-old home Dhanvantari mandir in the hospital. Dhanvantari is the Devata of Ayurveda as per the Sanatana Dharma teachings.
• When the patients are discharged, they are provided medications for 3-6 months, a day before their discharge, and it’s a tradition that all the medications are kept in the mandir overnight by the patient, to be blessed by Bhagwan Dhanvantari.
• During their 3-week stay, the father spoke to many of the patients and asked them questions about their stories, and most were too happy and willing to oblige. He met an edible-oil king from Maharashtra, who had come to Sreedhareeyam after 25 years of trying Allopathy in different countries and was gradually losing his vision and when he visited Sreedhareeyam for the first time, his vision was merely 5%. He was not disappointed as here they could stop further loss of his vision once he came here for his treatment.
• He met a 77 years old British Lawyer who had lost his vision completely, initially due to wet MD (macular degeneration) followed by two laser surgery in the UK as well as dry MD, who was brought here by a kind Indian friend. He regained some of his vision after the 3rd treatment which changed his life completely as he was no more dependent on somebody for his living.
• As I update this article today, on 25th April 2024, I have come across another 4 cases, all from our city (Windsor, Canada) that have amazing stories with outstanding results. Sreedhareeyam does not stop to amaze me.
Sreedhareeyam successfully, by and large, treats the following eye conditions:
Retinitis Pigmentosa/Glaucoma/Macular Degeneration (both hereditary as well as age-related, dry/wet), Myopia, etc.
And the last most important point that I would like to make is that the treatment cost is very reasonable.
If one wants to be treated by Sreedhareeyam, what one needs is complete shraddha (roughly translated as faith) in them.
Today his parents are glad that they did their own research to study the long-term consequences of the treatment options offered to them. They believe that surrendering to Paramatma has given them strength and guided them in the right direction in making critical decisions.
Those who have read up to here are kindly requested to share this post with their families, friends, and colleagues.
It has a huge potential for changing lives, positively.
Udit Shah
Windsor, Canada
For more information about Sreedhareeyam, please read here:
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