Yoga for high BMI

Photo Courtesy: Outlook India     Let me begin with a note: those who are suffering from any disease, may please consult your doctor...

A Law Yet to be Tested

One of the laws least tested on politicians is the law of agency. The law of agency essentially demands that the agent will act...

Arjunuvach: Perils of War

Bhagvad Gita (BG) is more known as a book of Krishna winning over Arjuna, by talking to him goals of human life, real self...

Is Ishwar Animate or Inanimate?

In Hindu culture, the received wisdom since time immemorial has been: Ishwar is ‘Nirgun’ (free from ‘Satv’, ‘Rajas’, ‘Tamas’), Nirakar (formless). However, the Ishwar’s...