Opinions THE INSENSITIVE HUMOR OF THE MANIC MAN – VIR DAS Author : Vijendra Agarwal Vir Das, only in his forties, is too young to be called senile but his monologue, “Two Indias,” in Washington,... by GNARUS November 23, 2021November 23, 2021
uncategorized the Comics’ Folly For the past few years Stand-up comedy in Bharat has had a tremendous growth, albeit mainly in the urban areas. New comedians are springing... by Jithu January 7, 2021January 22, 2022
uncategorized Religion, Jokes, and Freedom of Speech: A Ninja Technique to defame Hindus Stand-Up Comedians and many media houses have been defaming Hindus since long ago and now its not at all tolerable. by Ritwik Mehta January 5, 2021January 5, 2021