Uncategorized How abrogation of Article 370 led to decline of terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir Although, the security forces were given a free hand by the Modi Government to tackle terrorism in the valley, there still were some local... by Pranjal Singh August 10, 2020August 10, 2020
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized Five Reasons why India’s Article 370 abrogation on Kashmir is well justified Aug 5th, the day when entire India resonates for two main reasons, One being abrogation of article 370 of Indian Constitution for Kashmir and... by Kiran August 6, 2020August 6, 2020
Politically Incorrect KASHMIR’S TOLERANCE HOAX – true kashmiriyat is reflected in its seven hindu exoduses Kashmir is unique at least in one respect. This is one geography within the Indian subcontinent that has a recorded history that fits the... by Sanjay Dixit July 27, 2020July 30, 2020
Culture Culture Kashmiri Hindu Plight Even after 30 years of staying away from our motherland, we Kashmiri Hindus have not lost hope. It's our motherland - Maej Kasheer ! by Kaul July 21, 2020July 22, 2020
Uncategorized UK’s Parliamentary Group On Kashmir Funded By Pakistan? The All Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir (APPGK), chaired by Labour party MP Debbie Abrahams, received the amount of £31,501-33,000 (about $39,600-41,500) in the... by IndUS Lens July 20, 2020July 25, 2020
Uncategorized Kashmir: Land of Hindus ‘Kashmir is an integral part of India’. I have heard this line parroted by leaders of all political hues. It has always sounded like... by Dilbert July 16, 2020July 18, 2020