uncategorized Pakistan, Turkey & the #Toolkit tools – Pieter Friedrich, Ali Keskin, Zahra Billoo, Sami Al Arian This article is by Paul Antonopoulos, titled “Disinfo Lab Report Reveals How Pakistan and Turkey use the U.S. for Information War against India.” A... by FirangiAffairs February 19, 2021January 21, 2022
uncategorized IMRAN’S PAKISTAN AND A WEAPON CALLED ‘REVOCATION OF ARTICLE 370’ How the revocation of Article 370 has undone Pakistan economically. by Avi Das January 23, 2021January 21, 2022
Politics Emerging Arab Israel Relationship : Opportunism or Deceit Scarce Water, Plenty of Crude oil, conflicting ethnicity, territorial defense and competing belief had guided the state policy of the Middle East since the... by Sanat Bhardwaj December 11, 2020December 11, 2020
Essays Hagia Sophia and the Swastika: How Hitler found his symbol and Turkey lost its Paganism The Hagia Sophia is much in the news these days. Ever since Erdogan has reverted it from being a Museum back to a Mosque.... by Avi Das July 24, 2020July 25, 2020