What If India Was A Communist Country?

With the lutyen’s media and leftist ecosystem providing a lot of hype to the communists and radical islamists like Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid, Arundhati Roy, Kunal Kamra and many other comrades from other fields as well. Terrorist sympathizers like Ravish Kumar, Vinod Dua, Barkha Dutt, Abhisar Sharma, Rana Ayuub and many others from the well-known media houses. Swara Bhaskar, Zeeshan Ayuub, Farhan Akhtar, Mahesh Bhatt, Anurag Kashyap, Vishal Dadlani and many such others from the Bollywood. Or communists like Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib, Bipin Chandra, DN Jha and many others who used to draft the books that you and I read in schools.
Or, even hippie cultured professors from various esteemed universities and colleges. With all these communists so well powerful in the ecosystem, many of us would probably think what if India was a communist country…
To get the answer to this question, we must first understand the basic traits of a communist regime, not from the theory, but from the communist practicing countries, that are Russia, North Korea, China, Laos, Vietnam and Cuba…
So, here we begin:
First: Single Party Rule – Be it Communist Party of the Soviet Union, from Lenin to Gorbachev, or CCP from Mao to Xi Jinping.
Second: Inherited Leadership and Personality Cults – Stalin succeeding Lenin in USSR OR the three Kims of North Korea, Sung, Jong and Un. A clear indication of inherited powers and personality cults.
Third: No to Free Market – Very evidently, it’s one of the core principles of the left, not allowing foreign investment into their market. The exception to this, China as it changed ONLY it’s economic policies in the 20th century.
Fourth: No or negligible press freedom – How can one forget the infamous Tiananmen Square killings and no media reporting that.
Fifth: Censorship on art – All the communist nations have a wicked history of imposing censorship on various forms of art such as cinema, fiction and poetry etc.
Sixth: Mass killings – It is estimated that communist regimes in total have massacred more than a 110 million people till date. To put that to perspective, it is more than the deaths of both the world wars combined.
Seventh: Foreign Policies to please other communist countries.
Why do these traits seem so much familiar to us?
Well, if we look back, 1947 – 1991, these 44 years India was pretty much like any other communist regime in the world.
Going by the first point, the single-party rule, 1947-1998, 48 of these 51 years, were ruled by a single party, the Indian National Congress. Even that two-year period from 1977-79, the government was headed by Morarji Desai, who was an ex-INC leader by that time. From 1989-1990, by Vishwanath Pratap Singh who was also a former INC leader by then.
In fact, the first purely non-INC Prime Minister we got was Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the year 1998.
Going by the second point, India has been tolerating the burden of the dynasty from the 10 – Janpath. Starting from Jawaharlal Nehru to our 50-year-old youth icon Rahul Gandhi. From 1947 till 2014, in these 67 years, INC has been in power in 60 years and out of those 60 years, 47 were totally headed by the infamous dynasty; Jawaharlal Nehru (1947-64), Indira Gandhi (1966-77 & 1980-84), Rajiv Gandhi (1984-89) and Dr. Manmohan Singh, controlled by the Super PM – Sonia Gandhi, through the NAC (2004-14).
Talking about Personality Cults, there were two leaders from the INC which did not appease the infamous dynasty, they were; Lal Bahadur Shastri and PV Narsimha Rao. The dynasty could not tolerate being out from power, Shastri Ji died in mysterious conditions in Tashkent just after signing the war treaty in the year 1965. Many were suspicious, but not a single enquiry commission was formed. Film-maker Vivek Agnihotri has portrayed Shastri Ji’s case very well in his film, “The Tashkent Files”, which is a must watch.
Although, they couldn’t physically harm PV Narsimha Rao, but according to many insiders of the INC, he was never respected by the dynasty and their loyalists. Narasimha Rao was even humiliated after his death. His family wanted to perform his last rites in Delhi but Congress didn’t allow this. Finally, his last rites were performed in Hyderabad. When the body of former PM was being taken to Airport in Delhi, then the procession stopped at Congress headquarter. It was customary for the bodies of past Congress presidents to be taken inside the party headquarters so that ordinary workers could pay their respects. But this time gates DID NOT open for former party president & PM. The only mistake Narasimha Rao made was that he wanted to make Congress a true democratic party.
Strictly abiding with the communist policies, till 1991, no foreign investment was allowed in India and it was a tough task to start even a small business. The left leaning policies for 44 years had caused so much damage to the economy. By June 1991, our forex reserves were severely depleted, barely enough to last for roughly 21 days of essential imports. India was only weeks away from defaulting on its external balance of payment obligations. India was down to such a position that we had to take an emergency loan of 2.2 Billion Dollars from the IMF by pledging 67 TONNES of India’s gold reserve as collateral security. YES, 67 TONNES. The Reserve Bank of India also had to AIRLIFT 47 TONNES of gold to the Bank of England and 20 TONNES of gold to the Union Bank of Switzerland to raise 600 MILLION DOLLARS. It was then under the leadership of PV Narsimha Rao and the Finance Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh that India took a great step in making it a free market by the economic reforms known as Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation.
And, I would say, that one GREAT DECISION for the country made the dynasty and their chamchas hate PV Narsimha Rao even more.
Negligible Press Freedom and censorship on art. The dynasty loved to impose ban on various works like books, movies and plays which were critical of them or tried to bust their set narrative. It all began when India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru decided to move the 1st amendment to the Indian constitution in the year 1951, which as per clause 2 of article 19, imposed “reasonable restrictions” on free speech. Nehru had also justified curbing press freedom through his draconian Press (Objectionable Matter) Act, 1951. This lack of freedom of expression was also visible when poet and lyricist Majrooh Sultanpuri was arrested and he spent a year in jail for writing a poem which called Nehru as Hitler ka Chela.
Aziz Beg’s book Captive Kashmir was banned.
Stanley Wolpert’s Nine hours to Rama was banned.
Film Tango Charlie was banned.
SC Goswami’s film Runumi was banned.
Documentary named Rajiv’s India was banned.
Koestler’s Lotus and the robot was banned.
Alexander Campbell’s The Heart of India was banned.
Satyajit Ray’s film Sikkim was banned.
Film Kissa Kursi ka was banned.
Mrinal Sen’s film Neel Akasher Neechey was banned.
Journalist Lewis Simons was ORDERED to LEAVE India within 5 hrs when he reported on Emergency and Sanjay Gandhi slapping Indira Gandhi 6 times.
Charles Bettelheim book India Independent was banned.
And how can we not mention the dark 21 months of the emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi.
Till the globalisation happened in 1991, there was no private news channel in India, we only had DD News, which is very obvious to be the mouthpiece of the government.
These are just a few cases, because all cannot be covered in one single article.
There were hundreds of such incidents where the INC curbed the freedom of speech at various times. All of these can be seen with proofs in a twitter thread by scientist and professor Dr. Anand Ranganathan – https://twitter.com/ARanganathan72/status/922096036440555521
Now, coming on to mass killings, Jammu Massacres in 1947, Maharashtra Brahmin Genocide of 1948, Muslim riots of East Bengal in 1950, Genocide of Hindu Saints on Gopashtmi in 1966, Gujarat Riots of 1969, Marichjhapi incident of 1979, Anti Sikh Pogroms of 1984, Kashmiri Pandits’ exodus of 1990 and several other “unreported” killings and riots, it is estimated that more than 6 lakh 75 thousand people were killed from 1947 to 1998. Which means, on an average, 13,235 people were killed every year for 51 years continuously. Putting that into perspective, from 1998 to 2020, there have been around 5000 deaths due to riots in total, which means, an average of 227 deaths per year. Saw the difference?
Foreign Policies to please other communist countries. India under the INC has been constantly trying to please the communist regimes. India under Congress gifted Aksai Chin, Karakoram Pass, Tia Panganak, Chabji Valley, Doom Cheley, Demjok and Raki Nula to the Communist China. Letting China occupy Tibet and then signing Panchsheel Agreement to please China even more. Constantly advocating for China’s permanent membership in the UN Security Council, both before and after the Indo China war of 1962. Nehru also declined Kennedy’s offer to become a nuclear power, maybe just to please the Communist China.
Not just China, India under Congress also opened up its doors for the USSR’s secret service KGB, that planted many of its persons in crucial governing positions. At least 10 Indian newspapers were on the payroll of KGB. Many leaders of the INC and CPI were heavily funded by KGB to keep their nexus strong here and engrave the communist ideology in the minds of Indian people and the upcoming students. The KGB was successful in doing so, and that’s why today India has a well-knit communist nexus capturing almost all of the fields. It is said that, by the time of Indira Gandhi, India had most of the KGB spies in the world. By 1970s, India was called the “Spies Disneyland”. An amusement park for the spies.
According to the Mitrokhin Archives, even the personal office of the then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, was deeply compromised and infiltrated by the Soviet secret agency. The Indian secret operations, in other words, were an open book for the communists in the Soviet Union. They were in a position to manipulate India at will.
India under INC signed border agreements with China in 1993, 1996 and 2005, which prevent the usage of combat tanks, infantry combat vehicles, guns, surface-to-surface missiles, surface-to-air missiles and any other weapon system mutually agreed upon along the LAC. As a result to that, in 2020, amid the Corona crisis, clash at Galwan Valley happens with coward Chinese army using these rods.
And, how can we not mention Rajiv Gandhi Foundation here!! It is a private trust headed by INC president Sonia Gandhi. It received donations both from Chinese Embassy and the Government of China THREE TIMES in between 2005 – 2009.
Such a long history of pleasing communist regimes and following their cruel path in every manner possible, it is very likely that India was pretty much like any other Communist country till the early 1990s.
Now, after advent of social media and several organic leaders, we have attained DEMOCRACY in its true sense and we shall not let it go.
Because, “Satta ka khel toh chalega, sarkaarein aayengi-jayengi, partiyaan banengi-bigdengi, magar ye desh rehna chahiye, iss desh ka loktantra amar rehna chahiye.”
– Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
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