India is not secular because of it’s Constitution…. India is secular because it has Hindus in majority. It is not the Indian Constitution that keeps India secular but the values of Hindus that provide equal rights and responsibilities to every group. If I point out that the integrity and sovereignty of Bharat is safe because of Hindus, I will probably be termed a communalist or extremist or a jingoist who knows. But sadly History and the current affairs narrate the same story now and then.

Why are Hindus being targeted in non-hindu majority states in India? Why are Hindus the constant target of secessionist/terrorist groups who want to carve a particular state out of the India state be it Punjab or Kashmiri or North-eastern states?

Kashmir Punjab and some North-eastern states of India all have different cultural, religious groups in Majority but all of them has two things in common. Number one is the secessionist activities going around the state and the other is the continuous targeting of Hindus living as minorities in the state.

Now the question arises why Hindus? Why Hindus being targeted though they are in minority? The answer to this lies in my previous paragraph for which many would have already given me labels of communalist, hate monger, jingoist, xenophobic etc.

As I stated in the earlier paragraph, “The integrity and sovereignty of Bharat is safe because of Hindus”. No State can be carved out of India if has hindu population residing no matter be that population too small.

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