So, you’ve finally decided: you want an SEO company in India to handle this finicky internet side of things so you can focus on running your business. Now you have a rather herculean task at hand: how should you hire an SEO company in India? What should you look for?

Never fear when we’re here! We’ve compiled a handy list of things you should look for when you’re looking to hire an SEO company in India. Keep reading to learn more.

Before We Begin

Choosing an SEO company in India can be a lot like finding a partner: you want someone that understands you and your business’s needs. An SEO company in India has to be a good fit for your business. To figure out if that is the case for whatever prospective agency you’re looking at, we recommend asking a few questions.

When you begin communicating with agencies, you will eventually get a sense of which company’s culture plays well with yours. Don’t hesitate to ask for more information as and when you feel like you need it, and most importantly, trust your gut.

  1. The Company’s History

An SEO company’s past work can give you evidence of their experience as well as the effectiveness of their work for previous clients. You can request information in the form of past results, customer reviews, and even case studies. A proven track record of work and success in SEO is an excellent sign that you’ll get your money’s worth from this company.

  1. A Clear Understanding of Expectations

Both sides – you as a business and the SEO agency – should have a clear sense of the functioning and expectations of SEO. Many people think the returns from SEO kick in overnight; however, this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the strategy. SEO can take months to show results; it is, in the true sense of the word, a strategy for the long haul.

The word of an SEO company in India claiming to guarantee overnight results, consequently, should be taken with a few pinches of salt.

When you are vetting an SEO company, get a sense of what they consider a successful SEO campaign and what results they can deliver.

  1. A Proven History of Successful Work

Once you have clarified expectations, you should look for a history of their work through portfolios and case studies. A good SEO company in India will be able to give you a clear sense of what you can expect from them even as they clarify that they cannot replicate the results they have acquired for a previous client.

An SEO company’s history should reflect a keen understanding of the changing standards of best practices in SEO as well as the flexibility to make changes to the strategy on an ongoing basis as and when required.

  1. A Sense of the Commitment Required from You

When considering the time and money you are investing with an SEO company in India, it’s important for you as a client to get a clear sense of the time commitment expected of you.

  • How long will it take you to get the results you are looking for?
  • What is expected of you in the partnership?
  • Will they simply advise you on strategy, or will they handle implementation as well?

And so on. Once you have a sense of how the SEO agency works, you’ll be much better placed to decide if it is what you are looking for, for your business.

  1. Clearly Defined SEO Processes

While every SEO company in India uses different processes, when looking to hire one, you should be able to get a clear sense of how they approach SEO. A well-conceived strategy that combines SEO techniques with clearly defined deliverables spread out over stages of the process is a sure sign that the agency knows how to see the SEO strategy through.

You should also, ideally, find an agency that conducts SEO audits, keyword research, and handles technical SEO. Once you have a clear sense of what an SEO agency can – and cannot! – do for you, you can make a decision based on what fits the bill for your business’s requirements.

  1. Transparency

A good SEO company in India will be committed to transparency when it comes to the results of its strategy. It will provide you updates about the status of the SEO campaigns being run for you, along with information about what their next steps are and access to all the information relevant to your business.

Relatedly, also consider how the SEO company in India reports its results, including what metrics they measure performance on and which tools they use to do so. Good SEO companies maintain reports on many metrics, including backlinks, SERP rankings, the performance of keywords, and organic traffic. Better firms will also help translate this information into actionable information for you.

  1. Link Building Expertise

Link building is an integral – and complex – aspect of SEO. When choosing agencies, carefully consider their link-building strategy and experience. Get a clear sense of how they get websites to link back to yours. If they mention strategies like paying for links or linking back from their own network of sites, avoid them. Any shady tactics when it comes to link building can get you in trouble with search engines.

The Upshot

SEO is a double-edged sword in many ways: it is extremely effective when done right and offers high returns; it is also simultaneously disastrous to get wrong. When the stakes are this high, it makes sense that you want to enlist the expertise of an experienced and dedicated firm – like AdLift, for example. When choosing an SEO company in India, it’s important to get a clear sense of how they approach SEO, what they promise to deliver you, and how they adapt to the changing sands of SEO best practices. When you find the right fit, though, the investment is more than worth it.


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