75th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of India: Revisiting Reservations

On November 26, 2024, India marked a historic milestone by celebrating the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution. The Constitution, adopted on November 26, 1949, and enforced on January 26, 1950, established India as a sovereign, democratic republic. Constitution Day (Samvidhan Divas) has been commemorated annually since 2015 to honor this transformative moment in India’s history. The year-long celebrations, themed “Humara Samvidhan, Humara Swabhimaan” (Our Constitution, Our Pride), are aimed at reiterating the core values enshrined in the Constitution and motivating citizens to uphold its ideals, reported the Press Trust of India.
Reservation in 2025 violates the fundamental spirit of ‘Hamara Sam-vidhan’ for citizens of India.
Reservation for Creamy layer in 2025 is gross insult to our constitution framers and Supreme court of India.
Reservations In Indian Constitution
Though it is indefensible by any good logic of providing equal opportunity to every citizen of newly independent nation that had been mercilessly looted and exploited by moguls and Britishers to leave behind millions of poverty-stricken people and refugees, the framers of Indian constitution who were primarily foreign educated (Better called foreign planted) politicians provided for reservation for Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward castes for their vote bank politics.
Articles like 15(4), 16(4), 330, 332, and 243D explicitly mention reservation provisions for SC, ST, and OBC groups.
The objective was cleverly worded as to address historical injustices faced by socially and educationally backward communities by providing them with reserved seats in government jobs, educational institutions, and legislative bodies.
Social and Educational backwardness in India in 1947
In 1947, the literacy rate In India was 12%.
In 1947, Its poverty rate at the time of British departure was at 70 percent. (https://borgenproject.org/10-facts-poverty-in-india/).
Interestingly today, 1% Indians own 40% wealth of India, according to World Inequality Lab.
Don’t be surprised. Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, belongs to a lower caste. The President of Congress party, a member of parliament, owning assets in Crores, Mallikarjun Khadge, belongs to a lower caste.
Quantum of Reservation
The reservation has totaled 49.6% in certain sectors.
Worst Form of Discrimination
Reservation in educational institutions could be justified for providing equality of opportunity. But in jobs and promotions is nothing less than crime against merit, talent and productivity of the country.
India is now a country of SCs, STs and OBCs
According to 2021 report by Pew Research Center in USA, “Most Indians (69%) identify themselves as members of lower castes, including 34% who are members of either Scheduled Castes (SCs) or Scheduled Tribes (STs) and 35% who are members of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) or Most Backward Classes. (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/06/29/attitudes-about-caste/)
Brahmans: Micro Minority of India
The Pew Research Center 2021 research report further stated that “Three-in-ten Indians identify themselves as belonging to General Category castes, including 4% who say they are Brahmin (correctly Brahman), traditionally the priestly caste”.
Brahman Genocide
In 2023, a book has been published by Asi. It is available on Amazon for INR 390. Publisher’s note reads that “The present work explicates the colonial origins of the Brahmin hate narrative, amplified and spread today as globally visible Brahmin hate propaganda. Global Brahmin hate often masquerades as the ‘caste privilege’ narrative. The inevitable consequence of Brahmin hate propaganda is Brahmin Genocide, the latest example being Kashmir.”
Going back to 1948, When M K Gandhi was killed by Nathu Ram Godse for his arguably very strong reasons; in retaliation, followers of Gandhi (Champion of Non- violence) killed more than 5000 Chitvan Brahmans of Maharashtra. The only reason was that Nathu Ram Godse was a Chitvan Brahman of Maharashtra.
Rajiv Goswami, a young college student, in 1990 had set himself on fire against reservations.
Reservation in jobs and promotions is a sort of genocide of merit, talent, skill and performance culture..
Is there any country on this planet having reservations like India?
Affirmative Action which is not exactly reservation of the kind India has, operates in some countries. That is again only in the education sector, not jobs and promotion.
Reservations were intended to be Temporary
The reservations in Indian constitution were incorporated as a temporary provision, but it has become permanent, or better say politically untouchable (no political party dares to reduce or end).
“Any kind of reservation if it lasts for too long it’ll become a discriminatory process”, said Isha foundation.
Why blame Manusmriti?
India, that is Bharat (as in Article 1 of the Constitution of India) has a tradition of gyan and Vigyan. Gyan is about unobservable reality like Ishwar and Vigyan is about observable reality like nature and humans. This tradition is more than 5000 years with referable evidence.
In this tradition, vedas are classified as shrutis. Shruti as heard from elders. And Smritis as opinion pieces based on personal experiences of the author. There are many smritis. Manusmriti is however most abused by politicians of India under the game of divide and rule of Britishers till 1947 and after that on their own. Political parties in India give tickets to fight election going by the caste of voters in a constituency and the candidate. And Indian voters vote by caste more than qualities of a candidate under the influence and fear of political leaders.
There are some followers of Dr B R Ambedkar in india who burn a copy of Manu smriti on December 25 each year just because Ambedkar burnt a copy of Manu smriti on Dec 25, 1927.
And there have been politicians in North India, who in the name of Ambedkar, have been anti- Brahman calling non- SCs, non-STs as manuwadi or Brahmanwadi. It is far from truth and pure low level politics.
In the south India, DMK political party leads tirade against brahmans. E V R Periyar at a meeting in Karaikudi in 1973 had given a call, “Kill Tamil Brahmins”. Even as recent as 2022, DMK spokesperson supports Periyar’s call for ‘killing Brahmins’; Subramanian Swamy moves EC, reported Deccan Herald on June 9, 2022.
Who is Brahman?
Brahman is a conjoint of Brahm and man, meaning a manav (human being) whose man (mind) is always engaged in Brahm ( the origin of all, who seeks to find an answer to question: what is the origin and end of all that we see and experience on this planet).
ब्राह्मणक्षत्रियविशां शूद्राणां च परन्तप |
कर्माणि प्रविभक्तानि स्वभावप्रभवैर्गुणै: || (18/41)
Bhagvad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 41, says: This division of human beings into Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra is not by birth but by their individual nature and gunas (qualities) like Satv, rajas, Tamas. So everybody can be Brahman, if s(he)has qualities of a Brahman. Manusmriti, if you read, says no different. When Manusmriti was written there were no Hindus, Muslims, Christians or others as they are known today. So, the focus of Manusmriti was Manav Jati (Humanity or human being) as against other jatis like animals.
In Schools and Colleges even today, students are classified into first class, second class, third class and fail. It is based on their score and not by birth. Can anyone in good sense argue that this classification is to discriminate? So, is true about varna classification.
शमो दमस्तप: शौचं क्षान्तिरार्जवमेव च |
ज्ञानं विज्ञानमास्तिक्यं ब्रह्मकर्म स्वभावजम् ||
Bhagvad Gita in Chapter 18, verse 42 states qualities of a Brahman, namely, Tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, integrity, knowledge, wisdom, and belief in a hereafter—these are the intrinsic qualities of work for Brahmans.
Even in Ramcharitmanas by Tulsi Das ji, Prabhu Rama speaks about 9 qualities of a Brahman (Bhagvan Parshuram) as follows:
“देव एक गुन धनुष हमारे।
नौ गुन परम पुनीत तुम्हारे।।”
That o’ Great Brahman Dev, We (kshatriyas) have only one gun (skill) that is use of Bow and arrows, but you (Brahman) have 9 qualities.
Manusmriti helped to make Gupta period to be the golden period of India.
One Brahman (Chanakaya Pandit) was good enough to start a great empire.
Chankaya was the mentor of ChandraGupta Maurya. Chankaya Niti is highly guided by Manusmriti. Incidentally, Chandragupta was not son of a king. He was son of a maid servant. By grooming qualities of a king under his mentor, he became a great King.
In that time, even to be a human you were expected to have some qualities, as Chankayaniti stated:
येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं,
ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणो न धर्मः ।
ते मर्त्यलोके भुविभारभूता,
मनुष्यरूपेण मृगाश्चरन्ति ॥ (10/7)
Meaning those who do not have vidya (education) , have no austerity, do not give to charity, have neither knowledge of Brahma nor character, have no sattvic gun (qualities), no righteousness. They, on this Earth are only weight, grazing animals in the form of human being.
Cast Away Castes
Sure. Be all Brahmans.
But if you can’t have the qualities and discipline of Brahman, don’t discriminate against them. Even by birth, they have, by and large, their family values of education, research and enabling others.
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