51 Days Yoga Consciousness Series 2nd May-21st June 2021

Namaste All My Yoga Yaatris! May Yog Bless You!

Knowledge of Yoga is infinite, boundless and timeless. “Learning Yoga is an everlasting journey that leads you within and Within is where you find the world of immortal bliss”. –Mitraasha

The idea behind running this 51 Days Yoga Consciousness series is to proffer my modest learnings and share the divine pearls of Yoga science with people at large. Let’s have a conjoint intent to learn, implement and extend the wisdom of Yoga with a positive co-action and harmonious reverberation amongst each other.

Meditative Asanas

Hundreds of different asanas are performed in yogic practice, however it is stated all these asanas came into being elementally to support the Yogi develop the strength and resilience to sit and stay in one of the classic meditative postures for long and accelerate on the journey of finding the final objective of Yoga!

Meditation is the asana for the mind. A meditative posture incites a prayerful state and a meditative practice takes your mind in quietude. Sitting for long is not the motive, it is about the reconstituting of the swaying mind to a state of calmness and the reverberations of tranquility, peace that precipitates as a result of practising in the meditative posture. There develops mindfulness and a realization of being in the present is instilled. 

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras on Dharana states: ‘Deśa bandhasya cittasya dhāranā’, which means- “Dharana is when the mind stuff is held concentrated in one place”, and on Dhyana it says: ‘Tatra pratyaya eka tānatā dhyānam’, which translates as – “Then (when the mind force) is held onto that one essence/place for an extended/continuous duration is dhyana.”


  • For someone who is a beginner, it may take a while before he/she gets comfortable and accustomed in the posture. For them, it is advised to start practicing for a smaller duration and when proficient, gradually increase the time. Initially the mind may often get distracted, however try gently bringing it’s focus back on your breath or the chosen external/internal point/object of focus/concentration.
  • Once you are well composed and settled in the posture, gently close your eyes, ease down your facial muscles and subtly notice your breath. Starting from about 10 to 20 minutes each day and gradually expanding the duration as per your time, need, capacity and willingness will be fruitful in the long run.
Today’s Meditative Posture Is: 

Siddhasana – the accomplished pose or perfect pose

Siddhasana, also known as the accomplished pose or perfect pose, is another beginner level yoga posture. The constituents of the name Siddhasana breaks down to: Siddha- meaning perfect or accomplished, and Asana meaning posture. Siddhasana tranquilizes the mind, balances the Nadis (energy channels-nerves) and actuates the spiritual energy of the Chakras. This posture is well preferred by many practitioners for the practice of Pranayama and Meditation.

Limitations / Contraindications 

  1. Siddhasana pose is largely safe for almost everyone with basic fitness levels, however people with acute arthritis, knee, hip or sciatica issues, psychological disorder, depression, should avoid doing it. 
  2. It is important to feel effortless and painless in the posture, although it is normal to experience a pull in the inner thighs, hips, and groin area. 
  3. If you feel any pain, discontinue the practice and later try the simpler variations. 

How to Practice? 

  • Roll out a mat on the floor and sit erect without the support of any wall or back rest and legs completely stretched out.   
  • Now bending your left knee, bring your left heel closer to your body in a way that it is placed near your groin region.                                        
  • Next, flex your right knee, bring it gently in front of the left ankle and place it firmly.                                                                                      
  • From here, first inhale and while exhaling, lift your right foot and place it on top of your left ankle and pull the right heel into your groin area.
  • Do all these steps gently without any jerk or excessive exertion.
  • Once done, glide the toes of your right foot into the gap formed in the left calf muscles to aid you stay steady in the posture for long. Make sure your knees are touching the floor.
  • Now, extend your hands from the sides, lay the rears of your palms or wrists on your knees, so your palms are seeing upwards.
  • Stay in this posture with the spine erect, and your gaze fixed right in front of you at one point in a way that a clear linear striation of your body can be seen formed from your crown to the base.
  • Keep breathing gently, deeply and continue being in the pose for a minute to begin with, then eventually aiming for more. 
  • Once done, to come out of the posture, straighten both your legs and bring them back in the starting position. 


Siddhasana aids the rectification of faulty posture, protracts the spine, opens up the hips, inner thigh muscles, groins, chest, and shoulders space, making them all more supple and bendable.

It also gives good stretch to the adductors, knees, calf muscles, ankles and also transcends the energy from lower body upsloping and rising through the spine, resulting in an erect posture, aligned spine and a straight back.

Following Siddhasana practice for an extended period of time grounds the practitioner and helps to decrease the symptoms associated with mental anxiety, physical fatigue, emotional imbalance and alleviate the stress levels.

Mind remains focused,calm and impassive with enhanced concentration powers. 

This practice makes one more mindful, encourages to live in the present and a great level of inner congruity and self-accord is experienced over time.

Thought of the day: “Surprising results are possible. Concentration is a decisive factor.” – Ancelloti quotes

Link to day 17: Meditative Asana-Sukhasana https://kreately.in/day-17-meditative-asana-sukhasana-mitraasha/

Link to day 19: Meditative Asana-Padmasana and Ardha-Padmasana https://kreately.in/day-19-meditative-asana-padmasana-ardha-padmasana-mitraasha/

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