The Credit cards because of the rewards and privileges have become the need and necessity of almost every one of us. Today nobody thinks twice to make payments with a credit card. The reason is that credit card makes you spend less and buy more if used wisely. Whether it is booking a movie ticket, car ride, online shopping, or purchasing expensive gadgets, apply for a credit card online. There are a variety of credit card types available of the top banks.
Here are the types of credit card
Credit Cards come in many varieties — from basic Credit Cards, with reasonable credit limits and plain vanilla features, to super-premium cards that are a great accessory to a high-flying lifestyle. There are cards for your regular salaried people, the frequent flyers, students, the fun-loving crowd, the cautious savers, and so on.
- Basic Credit Cards
- Lifestyle Credit Cards
- Low-interest rate credit cards
- Travel Credit Cards
- Premium Credit Cards
- Super-premium Credit Cards
- Balance Transfer Credit Cards
- Reward Credit Cards
- Secured Credit Cards
- No-annual Fee Credit Cards
- Cashback Credit Cards
- Student Credit Cards
Top benefits of using a credit card
Convenience: Why to carry wads of cash when you are having a credit card. You can even link your card to your digital wallet, which allows you to scan and pay without even having to carry your card in your wallet.
Recurring payments: Credit cards are a great way of making on-time payments. No more will there be a chance of forgetting to pay bills on time and facing penalties or disconnection.
Recharges and tickets: One of the biggest Credit Card benefits over cash is the ability to pay for a wider range of online services.
Interest-free credit: A Credit Card comes with a grace period between purchase and payment It could be up to 50 days during which the bank does not charge any interest.Make you avail of the benefit of buy now and pay later.
Rewards: Every time you pay using Credit Card, you earn rewards, Airmiles, and cashbacks. You can redeem these for buying exciting gifts and vouchers such as free shopping trips or even free flight tickets.
Cashbacks and Discounts: From fuel surcharge waivers to great credit card offers. It opens the doors to a host of Cashbacks offers and Reward Points, especially with selected offline and online merchants.
Travel in style: The Credit Card makes your travel a more pleasant experience with free access to exclusive airport lounges, priority check-in and boarding, extra luggage allowance, etc.
Credit score: Using a Credit Card and repaying on time provides a boost to your credit score. A good credit score means you can get loans and credit cards quickly in the future. It’s one of the Credit card benefits cash or cheques cannot offer!
Tips to get an instant credit card approval
IndiaLends is having a comprehensive range of credit cards from the top banks. All you are required to log on to the website, check your credit card eligibility, choose a card of your choice, and get instant credit card approval. We make you apply for a range of credit cards online in just 2 minutes.
Bottom line
Each Credit Card has been carefully designed to fulfill different aspirations and lifestyle needs of our customers, be it for active travelers, the busy officegoer, or the happy homebody. Apply for a credit card online that best complements your lifestyle.
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