Islam is slowly losing its firm base and is constantly loosing followers because of the hatred it embeds within itself against the followers of other faiths. Recently Malayalam Film Director Ali Akbar went on to Quit Islam as a protest against silence of Muslims against Jihadi celebrations following the martyrdom of CDS Bipin Rawat and 12 other bravehearts which occurred due to helicopter crash.

Malayalam Film Director Ali Akbar made a decision to Quit Islam. He put out a video where he bashed the muslim community for mocking the death of CDS Bipin Rawat and other bravehearts. In the video he said “This is my reply to all those muslim bastards who used the laughing & smiling emoji at the unfortunate death of our CDS & other soldiers: From today onwards, me & my family members are not muslims. We are Indians alone (Bharathiyas). Me & my family have decided to get out of such a sick religion that tries to mock the death of others, especially our valiant soldiers who keep guarding our nation. When such hateful bastards put such emojis, I have decided to give up such a religion which has so much hate for people belonging to other faiths. This is my reply to all those muslims who didn’t speak a word against those bloody reckless morons trying to put emojis & mocking the death of a senior military leader.”

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