Two days ago, a news was circulating on social media, that a school was planning to take its Kindergarten (read 2-3 year olds) on a ‘inspirational’ visit to the local mosque in Vadodara, Gujrat. Thankfully good Hindu sense prevailed and the visit was cancelled following uproar by Bajrang Dal activists. But the question is, why did things have to get to a level where it was the activists, and NOT the parents stopping this trip from taking place. Parents have to give permission when children are taken to any field trip, and here clearly, the parents, especially those with girl children, were not aware of what Islam say about entry of females inside a mosque.  According to Hadith, women are ‘strongly encouraged’ to pray inside the deepest quarters of their houses instead of going to the mosque to pray. Then there is a Fatwa from Darul Uloom Deoband FORBIDDING women from going inside the mosque. Additionally IF and only IF due to some emergency, women have to enter the mosque, they must cover their bodies from head to toe so that not even the facial hair is showing and she must not wear any fragrance so as to not attract men and encourage ‘evil thoughts’ in their minds.

The most alarming information to come out of this episode was some ‘anonymous’ parents exclaiming they had no problem with their children visiting the mosque as they were also made to visit the mandir and a church by the school.  Once again, assuming some of these ‘anonymous’ parents had female offspring, one wonders if they know what the position of females is in Islam.  To give a very small example, the prayer for bringing a new animal and a woman (bride) in the house is one and the same.

And this directive is not for Kuffar women, but for Muslim women.  Being an infidel in Islam brings a whole lot of interesting consequences for both men and women.  First off, we are to be treated as firm enemies, and are to be treated with the greatest of disdain.  Depending on what the population equation is in the area we are living in, the disdain can be worn openly on the sleeve or hidden behind a mask in areas where Kuffar are less or more in numbers compared to the believer of Allah. These are only some of the facts from the Islamic rule book on how to treat the Kuffar. But Hindu parents would rather be open minded and all inclusive, even if this could cost them the well being of themselves and their children.


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