Threats And Challenges to Hinduism (Part-3)

Speaking further on the corruption in India’s legal system that needs to be eradicated, many of the judges there are also dishonest. The majority of people in major cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, etc. are open to “making deals.” In other words, if someone offers them the proper amount of money, they will settle matters in the person’s favor for the right price. Therefore, there is no justice in such a circumstance for anyone without money. The fact that many judges are set in their ways is the second issue with this case. For instance, to remove a judge from the Supreme Court, parliament must vote with a two-thirds majority.
Even in the honest courts, there is a significant delay before cases are heard in court, in addition to the requirement for financial support for bought justice in many courts. According to estimates, it would take 300 years to finish the backlog of work. The issue for everyone is that lack of justice frequently results from delayed justice. Whether in criminal or civil matters, people can and do pass away before their case is heard in court. Some murder investigations have taken up to 15 years to reach a courtroom. By the time the case goes to trial, witnesses may pass away or cease to remember crucial details, making this exceedingly ineffective.
Because of this, not many criminals are found guilty. The legal system’s lengthy procedure has persisted even in current times, going back to the British era and even earlier. As a result, India has committed another crime against itself.
Pakistan continues to pose a military and societal concern today. In Pakistan, Muslims are still exhorting other Muslims to join the “Dur-ul-Islam,” the Islamic home. And because of this, many Muslims in India have a stronger sense of patriotism for Pakistan than for India. They do so because, in their eyes, India is still the homeland of “infidels.”
Additionally, there is still a call for Muslims to stay away from Hindu infidels in many madrasas, or Islamic schools, throughout India. Some Muslims even demand the retake of India, which they believe is rightly theirs since before the British arrived. This is a persistent danger.
This has been especially true in Kashmir, where the Hindu population would have been entirely eradicated and Kashmir would have become wholly Islamic if the Islamic dream had been fully achieved. But the majority were all Hindus or Buddhists before the invading Muslims entered Kashmir and started to convert the population to Islam years ago, a truth that is now and conveniently forgotten.
Muslims who were Hindus in their family a few generations ago are now prepared to scream for Islam to rule the world. Pakistan was established to fulfil Muslims’ yearning for their own nation, giving them a somewhere to go rather than having to remain a minority in India. However, the problem has not been resolved by the establishment of Pakistan, which has been India’s constant foe ever since its founding. Pakistan continues to be a very unstable nation that provides safe haven for various extremist organisations. And because it is very near to India, it continues to pose a risk to the region’s stability.
On July 11, 1947, a month before becoming the governor-general of the new state of Pakistan, Jinnah announced the division of the Punjab from India: “I have already made it clear more than once that the Indian States are free to
join either the Pakistan Constituent Assembly or the Hindustan Constituent
Assembly or remain independent. . . We have made it clear that we are not
going to coerce, intimidate, or put any pressure on any State regarding its
Pakistan acknowledged Jammu and Kashmir’s independence and the legitimacy of Maharaja Hari Singh as the region’s ruler in exchange for that commitment.
On August 12, 1947, the Maharaja and Pakistan signed a Standstill Agreement, which Pakistan countersigned on August 16. Further modifications in accordance with the preferences of the Jammu and Kashmiri people were not legally required. It was legally binding with just Maharaja Hari Singh’s signature.
Jinnah, however, broke his word to not force Kashmir. He intended to compel Kashmir to join Pakistan because he and his doctor realised he didn’t have much time left to live.
In an effort to pass the operation off as tribal forays into Kashmir, he organised a military operation. On October 23, 1947, 5,000 armed Pathan, Afridi, Waziri, and Mahsud tribal members were put into Pakistani jeeps, which crossed the Kashmiri border and drove east towards Srinagar. The trucks and equipment were not of tribal provenance, despite Pakistan’s claim that this was a wholly voluntary effort by incensed tribals who were helping their persecuted Muslim brothers. Both British and Pakistani officials observed and backed that Pakistani action.
Today, Pakistan harbors a large number of terrorists who frequently serve Pakistan’s own objectives. Pakistan is unreliable when it comes to getting their supporters out of Kashmir—or anywhere else, for that matter. For this reason, Pakistan has long refused to cede control of its long-occupied territory in Kashmir, which is why it has existed and continues to do so.
In contrast, Kashmir’s Muslims began killing Kashmir’s Hindu pundits in 1989 after threatening to murder them if they didn’t leave the region. After then, the effort to expel all Hindus from Kashmir grew more and more intense.
Attacks by Muslims against Kashmiri Hindus were planned and supported in 1990 under the authority and rhetoric of Pakistan’s leader, Benazir Bhutto, who declared her desire for Kashmir to join Pakistan. Newspapers carried full-page ads warning Hindus to leave or perish. They had two options: leave the state or become Muslims or suffer the repercussions. Muslims launched large protests at their mosques, and Hindus were more killed and terrorized. In addition to women being seized, raped, and hanged from trees or even burned alive, men were also beaten and slain. They frequently dumped their corpses in the Jhelum River. Others had their bodies burned. Under the abuse of the Muslims, many had to flee for their life.
Given that many Kashmiri Muslims do not want to leave India, even while they want Indian military personnel removed from their lives, the terrorism in Kashmir has not been founded on what some refer to as a freedom movement. However, the terrorism has been motivated by the eradication of Hindus.
The people of Kashmir are compelled to accept the circumstances as they are right now. Despite the fact that many people disagree with the way the Kashmiri government has handled things, it appears from my 2007 visit to Kashmir that the majority of Kashmiri Muslims want to remain in India. They are unwilling to travel to Pakistan.
Source: Crimes against India by Stephen Knapp
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