What Happened After the 1st Caste Census of India of 2011?

Rahul Gandhi, who appears totally restless to become the Prime Minister of India to protect and foster the interests of his family, these days is talking of caste census almost in a threatening tone to the present Government of Narendra Modi.
The Deccan Herald reports “New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to fulfil the nation’s demand for a caste census immediately otherwise he would see the next PM do it. No power can stop a nationwide caste census, the leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha said on X in Hindi, tagging a post by the Congress on a “mood of the nation poll” by a media group which said 74 per cent people in August said a caste census must…
Those 74% (unless made up) may like to know what happened after the first caste census done by Congress government in 2011?
First Caste Census of India
Even if the caste census is done by the Present government or the next PM, it will not be the first one. In 2011, Under Congress government, The Ministry of Rural Development Government of India, commenced the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011. It was then claimed that
this is the first time such a comprehensive exercise has been carried…
Shame for Congress Party
The highlights of that caste census were a shame for the Congress Party.
Indira Gandhi, the then PM of India, had imposed emergency in India in 1975 and gave lots of political slogans like
‘Garibi Hatao’ (Eradicate Poverty)
Door Drishti, Pacca Irada. (Farsighted Vision, Determined Resolve).
But unfortunately, in 2011, after 35 years, her slogans were proved fake by SECC 2011.
When in 2011, the SECC was done. It brought shame to Congress Party, as the biggest highlight of the SECC 2011 was
There were 8.33 (77.56%) Households with any one of the 7 deprivations out of 10.74 Crore households considered for deprivation.
Interestingly, 7.07 Crore of the total 24.49 households then in India were excluded based on fulfilling any of the 14 parameters of exclusion, namely,
i. Motorized 2/3/4 wheeler/fishing boat.
ii. Mechanized 3-4 wheeler agricultural equipment.
iii. Kisan credit card with credit limit of over Rs. 50,000/-.
iv. Household member government employee.
v. Households with non-agricultural enterprises registered with government.
vi. Any member of household earning more than Rs. 10,000 per month.
vii. Paying income tax.
viii. Paying professional tax.
ix. 3 or more rooms with pucca walls and roof.
x. Owns a refrigerator.
xi. Owns landline phone.
xii. Owns more than 2.5 acres of irrigated land with 1 irrigation equipment.
xiii. 5 acres or more of irrigated land for two or more crop season.
xiv. Owning at least 7.5 acres of land or more with at least one irrigation equipment.
Reference: https://secc.gov.in/
Footnote: What is the caste of Rahul Gandhi?
The caste census debate lead by Rahul Gandhi has snowballed into yet another question: What is the caste of Rahul Gandhi?
As a well-wisher of Rahul Gandhi, my distant cousin decided to go to a Pandit ji in USA and asked him: can you, Sir, please help determine/advise the caste of Rahul Gandhi , as per Hindu Scriptures, customs and traditions of India.
He said, sure. Please provide me following info:
Mr. Feroz Ghandy S/o Mr Faredoon Jehangir Ghandy
Indira Gandhi (correctly Indira Ghandy) D/o Jawahar Lal Nehru (originally Kaul Brahmin)
Mr. Stefano Maino (contested in the light of recent Blitz weekly report)
Mrs. Paola Maino
Rajiv Gandhi (Correctly Rajiv Ghandy)
Sonia Gandhi (Correctly Sonia (originally, Antonio Maino) Ghandy)
His Father, Rajiv Gandhi married his mother, Antonio Maino in an interfaith marriage in 1968. She never changed her religion. Rahul was born in 1970. When he was born, his mother was not even a Citizen of India. Antonio Maino (Sonia) applied and became citizen of India in 1983.Incidentally, Rahul’s grandmother, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated in 1984 and his father was assassinated in 1991.
Pat came Verdict: O’ he is not Hindu.
My cousin said, Sir, my request is to know Rahul’s caste?
Pandit ji said: The question of his Hindu jati does not arise. He is not Hindu.
Pandit ji said: You should know, as per Hindu scriptures, customs and traditions, we have only four varnas, namely, Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra; that is not by birth that is by guna-swabhav and in turn, occupation. The caste system has been brought about in India by foreigner raiders and their Indian agents to divide and rule the country by dividing Hindus, the majority population, and it continues till date by Indian politicians for their political vote bank. Would you call British Royalty an upper caste of England? They don’t shake hands without gloves.
No one is Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaish by birth. By birth is everyone Shudra. It is only by acquiring certain qualities/ human values that a person becomes Brahman, Kshatriya or Vaish, says Hindu Scriptures. (Janam jayte Shudra, sanskarat dwija uchchayte…, Sakand Purana).
As the years have gone by, Jati has come to be from the father and Gotra is from the Guru. Varna has been by guna – swabhav. Varna is not by birth. It is by your attitude, conduct and actions. Brahman is one who loves to acquire and disseminate vidya. By the way, Vidya is not modern degrees, diploma and certificates of Macauley’s education system. Vidya is gyan and Vigyan. Vigyan is about manifest, observable phenomenon whereas gyan is about unmanifest, unobservable phenomenon. Brahman is an idea person, researcher, author and innovator. They contemplate questions of concern of the society as a whole. Kshatriya loves to fight, protect, lead and rule. Vaishya loves to indulge in trade, commerce, agriculture and industry. Shudra loves to serve, work for others. Don’t mistake me. In that sense, in the corporate world, all from CEO to Peon are shudras. And in the government sector, all from Chief Secretary to Peon are Shudras.
Varna (wrongly equated with caste) is by guna- swabhav. Not by birth. Guna- swabhav as per Hindu scriptures, may be Satvik, Rajsik or Tamsik. Satvik is enabler, developer without any expectation of return in exchange. Rajsik is seeking return in exchange for your deeds and actions. Tamsik is grabbing, snatching what rightfully belongs to another. To understand ‘not by birth’ concept, LGBTQ+ is by (sexual) orientation/ inner sense. It is not by birth.
Based on his conduct and actions, he is more like a professional politician. (Politician is a new caste of Modern times). He thinks he is eligible to be the Prime Minister of India and treats everyone else as he likes as he is the heir of the political family which ruled India for good 60-70 years. Did you notice that to project himself as a fairly read person, he often publishes his photograph with the background of a fake book box? I had read somewhere that Ram Jethmalani, a very famous lawyer of India, had once said that he is not fit to be a clerk in his office. Indeed, he himself has been on record to state that had he not have Gandhi in his last name, he would have been nowhere in Indian politics. It is laughable that some ‘chamchas’ of Congress pronounce his caste as Martyr as his grandmother and father were assassinated (for their party views and stand).
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