Sanatan Dharma

The Sanskrit word sanatana means “eternal” and the word dharma means “occupation.” Therefore the term “Sanatana Dharma” can be taken to mean our eternal occupation.The Supreme Lord and...

Consciousness Energies

The individual consciousness can never live independently of other energies. Do we have experience of any energy being independent? In the current material circumstances...

Karma and Reincarnation

In human society, if one kills a man he has to be hanged [or punished]. That is the law of the state. Because of...

Benefits of Cow’s Milk

After mother’s milk, it’s only the cow’s milk which gives energy & full protection.• 100 gms of cow’s milk contains,Phosphorous 0.93 gmCalcium 1.20 gmIron...

Tri-Guna- The Modes of Material Nature

By Gauranga Sundar Dās The English word “mode” best conveys the sense of the Sanskrit word guna (material quality). “Mode”comes from the Latin modus,...