Uncategorized How excess exemption in freedom of expression is destroying culture of india Article 19 part 4, freedom of expression; as it was added in constitution to achieve freedom in each personality which doesn’t affect religion, caste...
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized NGT(National Green Tribunal) directly comes against diwali Why don’t NGT dares to stop sell of Cigarettes? All librals and so called countrymen comes forward on diwali for spreading poison on diwali....
uncategorized Isn’t congress and other local parties are working as bears in share market I am a regular investor but nowadays paying more and more time for analyzing deep on market because of chaos in Maharasta, West bengal,...
Uncategorized Negative marketing trick being used by big brands against Hinduism It is the india, where everyone wants to play with sentiments of Hinduism. Living in a small village people are unaware of such things,...