When The tyrant Plays the victim in #Kashmir

Every sensation, every breath. To lose everything their child might hold special, every memory. With a trauma that one does not wish to imagine for one’s worst enemies. Each instant, a fist rising from nowhere and bloodying their face, with numbness and humiliation, with a laceration so deep only a Jesus or Buddha could heal. Even today, when Modi attempts to reverse those decades of betrayal, I do not see a sense of victory or euphoria in them. Who will recover them their home? Their childhood? Their trust in their people?

Swami Vivekananda: An Unfolding Dream

It is possible that his celebrated address at the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago on September 11, 1893 did not have the effect that has been claimed by his apologists. For in those days, one did not go ‘viral’, nor had a marketing strategy for social media or Twitter handles with a huge following and likes. But it is definitely true that he had a greater impact on the Indian psyche and our self-confidence and belief in our own culture and darshana. His own letter about the event mentions that there were more than ‘five to seven thousand in the audience’. That seems to be a significant number. If we look at his tireless efforts in reaching out to the West, it does appear that he was able to create an awareness about the Indic civilization and values in Europe and the US. To me, it seems like the beginnings at the Gangotri, where drop by single drop, a glacier melts to gather eventually into the vast Ganges that nourishes almost 500 million people in its plains today.

Who is Shiva?

To my understanding, Shiva is our highest possibility. Hinduism has always maintained that not only is it possible to experience and live the Divine, Divinity is our inherent nature. Shiva is the pure consciousness, without any attributes, other than absolute stillness upholding intensest activity, the ineffable, the formless and the all-pervasive. One of the highest realizations of Vedanta is Shivoham, that Shiva am I. It is only appropriate that he who is nothing, is also the dance of the cosmos as Nataraja, and the fourth state of awareness beyond waking, sleep and dream, known as turiya. And his oneness with Shakti gives us one of the profoundest symbols of male and female complementarity in the ardha-nareeshvara.

The True Hanumana

Hanumana is the Nara to the Narayana that Sri Rama is. Without Hanumana, Rama is unable to fulfil his mission on earth. He needs Hanumana as his partner, his general, his servant, his adorer and his guard. And Hanumana is the incarnation of the adoration free of desire, the psychic love that surrenders completely to the Lord, demanding nothing but the feet of the Beloved and the Ishtadeva.

What is Sankhya?

Sankhya is the first radical achievement of Indian world-view that we know of—and not just Indian, it is a great advancement in human thought. This is when most humans do not even know about it. But a time may well come when this singular breakthrough will be considered a quantum leap in human understanding, more significant than even our achievements in calculus and physical sciences.

Sankhya: The True Experience of Purusha and Prakriti

Sankhya is not a mental activity. It is existential. What is the Sankhya experience that our sages talk about and use as the foundation of various darshanas? It is the moment when there is total awareness of things as they are, of oneself as part of the manifest world, without a point where the awareness is centered, when the subject too becomes the object, or as Krishnamurti said, the observer becomes the observed.

The meaning of guru

The Guru is one who leads the student from darkness to light. Such is the literal meaning of the world. But what kind of light? It is not a physical or mental or emotional or pranic learning that the Teacher imparts but a spiritual transformation that yet encompasses all these in one sweep and curve.

The China Challenge

It is time that India stood up for its dharma. And stop giving in and giving up, mistaking weakness for harmony, spinelessness for a higher calling and cowardice for spreading world-peace.

The China Challenge

A clear identification is needed. And then the articulation. It needs to be stated unequivocally, “China is the enemy.” Or rather, the Communist Party of China (CPC), that controls the country with undemocratic hegemony, is the enemy. We need to enunciate this in our ministries and secretariats and in boardrooms and in the town squares and the village chaupals.