Church of Sweden(CoS) is funding networking platforms in India in the name of saving democracy and the rights of the marginalised, tribals and minorities. These networking platforms are none other than evangelical churches in India that are solely known for propagating their religion through the conversion of the poor and needy.

In its project index, the aim of CoS is mentioned as “to broaden the democratic space for vulnerable groups at different levels in society, in a reality where religious extremism and polarisation are increasing, and severe gender-based discrimination and violence are widespread.”

It claims to work for peace through interreligious dialogue and creating spaces for interreligious activities while supporting rights holders within the ‘evangelical churches’ for gender justice and equality in India.

The document states that a network is established between the Swedish mission council and the Christian Council of Sweden to advocate human rights in India on a national and international level and vowing to make pressure on India on the matters of human rights.

It is highly unlikely for a evangelical institution to fund the cause of human rights without an evangelical ambition. Otherwise, there are thousands of institutions in India that actually work for the cause without conversion.

The CoS has been funding the following institutions in India to expand its evangelical ambitions in the garb of human rights:

  1. Henry Martin institute
  2. Lutheran World Service India trust
  3. Henry Martyn Institute
  4. Tirupputtur Rural Uplift Project Association
  5. United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India
  6. Organisation for Eelam Refugees Rehabilitation
  7. Trossamfundet Svenska kyrkan
  8. God’s Grace Foundation
  9. Christian Service Agency
  10. Church´s Auxiliary for Social Action




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