Miss Mahima Kaul (ex Director twitter ), is a known animal rights activist. She also labels herself as anti-pollution activist . She also thinks that Rahul Gandhi is a national hero and thinks that he belongs in the category as ,Narayan Murthy and Amitabh Bachchan .Gosh seriously? I mean is this the IQ and intelligence of people Twitter hires ?

Prakash on Twitter: "Look how left leaning twitter policy maker are ? That  is why they don't suspend hate monger accounts like @ambedkarcaravan  https://t.co/oh9cVrm6EB"

Just like every other self styles anti pollution activist and animal lover, she is worried about her dog as the sound of firecrackers scares the animal. She openly links Diwali to pollution (even though my personal AQI tracking of diwali linked pollution says oitherwise . FYI that data is from international orgs . ) I personally have recorded AQI , PMQ levels for three years before and after Diwali and NO Diwali does not cause pollution. The levels recede in a matter of hours .

Miss Mahima Kaul supported the ban on Firecracker as it leads to pollution .

Now that Eid is coming , and million of animals will be sacrificed , I was expecteing Animal rights activist (wh is so concerned about animals feeling scared due to noise of firecracker on Diwali ) would be batting for ban on animal slaughter on Eid, but alas much to my NOT dismay , i found none . SHOCKING INNIT .

Not ONE tweet condemning the merciless killing of millions of animals . Sorry but what happened to the care and concern for animals on Eid ? Mere sound pollution on one night shakes your concerns for animals so much that you want firecrackers banned , but the merciless killing of millions of animals does not. What kind of conditional Animal concern is this .

Are you aware of that the water footprint of meat from beef cattle (15 400 m 3 /ton as a global average) is much larger than the footprints of meat from sheep (10 400 m 3 /ton), pig (6000 m 3 /ton), goat (5 500 m 3 /ton) or chicken (4 300 m 3 /ton). The global average water footprint of chicken egg is 3 300 m 3 /ton, while the water footprint of cow milk amounts to 1000 m 3 /ton. More animal slaughter leads to more water wastage, which leads to more forests being converted to grazing lands which leads to deforestation , which leads to climate crisis. Why not urge people to celebrate meatless Eid ? Just like you want firecracker less Diwali. I mean the rituals can carry on , climate first right?

Are you aware of the pollution caused by candles which are light all the time and in millions on Christmas in a church?

Or maybe you have no courage to say anything to MINORITY RELIGION people in the fear of being called an Islamophobe and being canceled.OOPS . Not surprising as always . Reminds me of those animals rights activists who file petitions to ban Dog meat festival in China (where it is a local tradition to consume dog meat ) but will mock label anti beef activists as gau mutra drinking sanghis .

Miss Mahima Kaul had posted this image of her escaping the Diwali pollution expected Delhiu to go off far to some holiday location. Dear , are you aware of the pollution caused by your travel to escape the pollution?

As you famously tweeted for Diwali “Let’s ignore the reality of the polluted cities we live in, shall we? Also didn’t India live w/o cash for 6 months, can’t we try this once?!”

Please write a tweet “Let’s ignore the reality of the polluted cities we live in, shall we? Also didn’t India live w/o cash for 6 months, can’t we try meatless Eid once?!”

Ditto for Christmas and Easter .Please write a tweet “Let’s ignore the reality of the polluted cities we live in, shall we? Also didn’t India live w/o cash for 6 months, can’t we try meatless Christmas /Easter once?!”

Please write a tweet “Let’s ignore the reality of the polluted cities we live in, shall we? Also didn’t India live w/o cash for 6 months, can’t we try candleless Churches once?!”

I DARE YOU. Miss Environmentalist, Miss Anti-pollution, common let us see your unbigoted , unbiased , concern for once. I am sure you know how to tweet.

So don’t try and pretend to be an animal rights crusader or an environmentalist if your care and activism are bigoted, biased conditionals and reeks of hypocrisy . If you only target one community for ANY activism, then you will be called out for your hypocrisy and phobia. And no this is not Twitter where you can curtail my FoE .

Miss Mahima Kaul had famously deleted her Anti Modi tweets after they had been exposed. Luckily, there is always a screenshot.


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