Even Americans care about India’s reputation abroad, but not the disqualified MP. Rahul Gandhi, the head of the Congress, came under fire from American singer Mary Millben for disparaging India while travelling abroad. On 30th of June, during an interview with journalist Rohan Dua of The New Indian, the official singer of White House’s lashed upon disqualified MP of Indian National Congress.

When Rahul Dua asked Mary Millben, the official singer of White House about the recent Rahul Gandhi’s visit to America, Mary Millben lashed out at Rahul Gandhi. She said “Well, I caught glimpses of his speeches and thoughts, and honestly, I don’t personally know Mr. Rahul, so I don’t want to make unkind comments. However, it’s difficult for any country to support a leader who constantly speaks negatively about their own nation. A true leader appreciates their heritage and values their country. That’s why Prime Minister Modi is adored in India and respected worldwide.”

Not only did Mary Millben blew fire upon the disqualified MP but also upon Barack Obama. Giving reaction on the statement made by former American President Barack Obama regarding the oppression of Muslim in India, Mary Millben said “I felt that it was quite arrogant of the former president to upstage the current President of the United States, who happened to be his vice president in his own party, during such an important week for both the President and the Prime Minister.”

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