How Gandhi threw Hindus under the bus to prove his allegiance to Non-violence!

Everything was in place for the Bardoli civil disobedience. It was abruptly called off due to the flimsy excuse of the murder of some police officers at Chaurichaura by a violent mob. That heinous act occurred on 4-2-1922. Three days after (7-2-22) Gandhiji wrote to the Viceroy as follows: “The choice before the people is mass civil disobedience with all its undoubted dangers and lawless repression of the lawful activites of the people. I hold that it is impossible for any body of self-respecting men for fear of unknown dangers to sit still and do nothing effective when looting of property and assaulting innocent men are going on all over the country in the name of law and order.”
This response demonstrates that, even after the atrocities at Chaurichaura, Gandhiji was fully prepared to face unknown dangers as a result of his campaign of mass civil disobedience. Gandhiji’s resolve, however, had faded by the 11th. What had happened during these four days to cause him to reconsider? It was the fact that the treaty signed with Afghanistan on November 22, 1921, received His Majesty George V’s assent on June 2, 1922, and went into effect on that date. Gandhiji immediately abandoned his campaign after learning of the ratification. During this time, Maulana Azad Sobhani was Gandhiji’s primary adviser on all foreign intrigues.
To give the reader an idea of how Maulana Azad Sobhani takes special precautions to protect the interests of outlandish Muslims, we present an excerpt from the Maulana’s notorious speech at Shrihatt, as published by ‘Anand-Bazar-Patrika.’:-
“The British power is gradually waning. They will soon have to bid good-bye to India. Therefore, I maintain that if we do not wage a fight against the Hindus and enfeeble them, they will not only establish Hindu Raj in India but also dominate the entire Islamic World. But it is within the power of Muslims to enfeeble India or to make it strong. It is therefore the duty of every faithful Muslim to join the Muslim League and carry on a struggle with the Hindus for two things, viz. firstly, to enfeeble the Hindus, in order to prevent them from establishing their domination in India and secondly, to found Muslim Raj in the country, should the British leave the shores of India. Although the British are the enemies of Mussalmans, the moment of Anglo-Muslim war is yet far off. After a provisional agreement with the Hindus through the Muslim League, it would be easy enough to expel the British from India and to found a Muslim Raj here.”
According to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s autobiography, Lala Lajpat Rai was aware of the conspiracies carried out with foreign Muslims by Congress and Khilafat leaders through the agency of Maulavi Obeidulla. According to Jawaharlal Nehru,
“Lalaji accused the Congress leaders of intriguing with people outside India. He may have relied on various rumours and I think he must have been influenced by the talk he had recently with Maulavi Obeidulla, although there was nothing in that talk which seemed extraordinary to me.”
It is not surprising that Lalaji believed in the Maulavi given his active participation in these conspiracies. We must explain why the Muslim conspirators told the Hindu leaders about their plots. The Mussalmans are well aware that without the support of the Hindus, the combined strength of Indian and foreign Muslims would be powerless to wrest control of India. This is how Hindu leaders learn about these treasonous activities.
A few days ago, a history professor admitted to us that he was convinced of Gandhiji’s high treason, but what led Gandhiji to become a traitor was a mystery to the learned Professor. We were asked to explain the occurrence. We will now briefly explain the problem. The institution of nation is solely intended to protect people belonging to a common nation from the aggression of external foes. The Mahatmas who advocate non-resistance to foreign enemy aggression under any circumstances are inherently hostile to the institution of nation. Gandhiji had written an article in ‘Harijan’ advising the British people not to oppose Germany.
A careful reading of that article will give you a good idea of the infernal depths to which this philosophy of non-resistance can lead men. Other nations are inspired by the heroic example of a nation like Greece facing a deadly enemy with courage. Instead of viewing the current world war from this perspective, Gandhiji is attempting to sow discord among the intellectuals of the country for which he professes deep sympathy. We are disgusted by his deception and inconsistency in this matter. Let us delve a little deeper into the underlying cause of Gandhiji’s inconsistency between his words and actions.
He is oblivious to the fact that the virtues of family life frequently turn out to be vices in the realm of politics. This blindness leads him to advise Hindus, in and out of season, to treat Muslims as their younger brothers and to be generous to them. The negative consequences of prioritising fraternal affection over wholesome political science maxims are well known to any student studying the Emperor Humayun’s career. It is pointless to elaborate on this when we know how Gandhiji despises schools and bookish knowledge.
The love felt by Muslim brothers who are so close to Gandhiji’s heart for their Hindu brothers is so divine that it would have served as a model for even Aurangzeb. On the subject of brotherly love, we would like to draw the attention of our Gandhiite and Marxist colleagues to a notorious passage from the Muslim “Outlook,” the mouthpiece of Sir Fazali Hussain, a former Executive Councillor of the Government of India.
Source: Gandhi-Muslim Conspiracy
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