jai kisan: Busting misinformation about farm laws

Now as part of #JusticeForSSR (which is the life changing moment for us – we are truly witnessing the *Swatch Bharat* in play with the drug mafia getting rattled, bollywood in shambles, nexus of these entities with anti India forces lead by Congress and their hidden terrorists employees are now reacting via fake farmer protests with further obvious plans of creating series of unrest in our country (like we saw in Shaheen Bagh 1.0, subsequent anti Hindu riots) are already well known facts getting exposed; it is also essential to know the details of the new farm law and analyse them further.
Share this article as much as possible to destroy the myths and lies propagated by opposition and presstitutes media.
?There is so much misinformation being spread about the Farm Bills 2020 (now Acts) and what they mean for Bharatiya Farmers. This thread is an attempt to categorically go through the provisions of the 3 bills, what they will mean, as well as address any legitimate criticism.
?Three bills were proposed in the Bharathiya Parliament (passed in September 2020) with the intent of reforming an agricultural sector that is severely under stress and handicapped by a structure that is a mixture of feudal holdover from the zamindari system & coldwar era socialism.
➡️Bill 1: Farmer’s Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020 introduces choice and freedom.
?Farmer’s will have the freedom to sell their produce to anyone and in any market that they desire in addition to the current system which will continue as is.
?This does away with the incredible draconian diktat that a farmer cannot sell his produce to whoever he wants, however he wants, at whatever price he wants. No where in the modern world are farmer’s beholden to the whims of the government for where they can sell their own crop.
?The new legislation will allow “the farmer to enjoy freedom of choice of sale and purchase of agriproduce” – that means that where farmers could only sell their produce through APMC (state government middle men), now they can sell to anyone including the APMC (if they choose)
?It will also allow barrier free inter-state (farmer’s selling anywhere within state, instead of local mandi) and intra-state (farmers can sell to APMCs or anyone else in other states) commerce outside of the physical premises of markets notified under State APMC legislations.
?Farmers will not be charged cess/levys for sale of produce and will not have to bear transport costs. This means more money in the pocket for the farmer per sale.
?Freedom of location – whereas currently farmers are restricted to selling only at mandis, the Act gives them the freedom to do business directly at a farm gate, cold storage, warehouse, process units, etc. Removes any regulation that dictates how a farmer can sell his produce.
?The Act proposes an upgraded electronic trading transaction platform to more efficiently regulate trade and plug leaky holes of mismanagement and corruption (this already exist in the E-NAM platform where farmers can sell physically or electronically to APMCs).
➡️Now that I have explained what the bill actually says, let’s talk about some of the valid concerns that have been raised about those worried that the govt is doing away with MSP (min. selling price) and how they have been addressed via official notification:
?Procurement at MSP will continue. The new act allows famers to sell outside the APMC/Mandi system in addition to at the Mandi, not instead of it. If a farmer so desires, they can continue doing business as usual with no change.
?In summary, the first bill was passed with the intention of removing regulation & bottlenecks unfairly imposed on the farmer from the days of socialistic central planning that dictated where, when, how, and for how much a farmer could sell their produce. This is a good thing.?Nothing to protest only fools and people with malified intentions protest.
➡️Bill 2: The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020
?It deals primarily with reforms in contract farming, providing fair prices to farmers for their produce, and on measures that will ultimately increase a farmer’s take home.
?The intent of the bill is to introduce regulation that offers legal protections to a farmer when they enter into a contract with a buyer to mitigate the risk that corporate entities take advantage of farmers who don’t have the $/knowledge to ensure the fair price for crop.
?Farmers engaging with processors, wholesalers, aggregators, wholesalers, large retailers, exporters, etc. will be empowered as follows:?
?When a buyer approaches a farmer to produce a crop, they must enter a legal contract where the price is clearly dictated. This price is assured even BEFORE the sowing of the crops. Farmers save cost of marketing product because contract dictates a guaranteed buyer at a guaranteed price.
?The principle of price assurance says that if at the time of sale the market price for the crop is higher than what was initially negotiated, the farmer is entitled to this higher price over and above the minimum negotiated price. He will not be fleeced at the end.
?If at the time of sale the market price for the crop is lower than was initially negotiated, the farmers is still entitled to the minimum negotiated price, so he will not lose out if the market suddenly tanks. Price assurance is good for farmers and eliminates predation.
?Price assurance also transfers the risk of market unpredictability from the farmer to the sponsor. Due to prior price determination, farmer’s will be shielded from the rise and fall of market prices.
?Now a farmer can fix his own price for produce and they must receive payment within three days maximum as per law. The Bill also creates local dispute redressal mechanism that means less court = increased speed of dispute resolution without legal fees for farmers.
?Regulating contract farming not only reduces predatory practises, but makes farmers legal partners with buyers, where both parties benefit from increase in yield. It is in the interest for corps. to provide modern technology, better seed, and improve productivity. Win Win.
?After signing a contract, the onus is on the purchasing party to pick up produce directly from the farm, eliminating the cost and logistics born by the farmer for transporting and selling their produce. More money in the pocket for a farmer. Another really good idea.
?10K FPOs (Farmer Producer Orgs) are being formed to bring together small farmers and work to ensure remunerative farming for farm produce. Which govt wants to facilitate unionization? Increased education, knowledge, and access to the system helps the farmer, not hurts him.
?In summary: The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act introduces legal safeguards for farmers that allows them to approach a transaction at a level playing field while also focusing on improving the education of rural farmers Which is very good bill. Why protest for this? Who are those who doesn’t want education of rural farmers and why? What is wrong in this bill? Only fools and those who have malafied intentions will protest.
➡️Bill 3: Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act 2020. This thread is going longer than I anticipated, but detail is important since such havoc is being caused by blatant lies and fear mongering. Let’s talk about the third bill; perhaps the simplest but most important.
?The intent of the bill is to remove limits on how much of a crop can be bought in the market due to outdated, wartime laws that were put in place to ensure that the government had stockpiles of “essential commodities” at hand; restricting how much could be sold in the market.
?Cereals, pulses, oilseeds, edible oils, onions, potatoes will not be classed as essential commodities – allowing economies of scale for important crops, that will allow more production and increased supply, and as a result lower market price for end consumer.
?Currently, 35 – 40% of produce produced is WASTED due to lack of cold storage facilities and inefficient supply chain. This costs the farmers 35 000 cr. Economies of scale will lower cost of operations when size of business is allowed to increase by removing artificial bottlenecks.
?Additionally, the interests of consumers are safeguarded through the failsafe provision that allows the government to regulate agricultural foodstuff during war, famine, extraordinary price rise, natural calamity, etc.
?What is an essential commodity? This is an act from the 50s/60s that caused people to line up for rations for decades a la full blown communist countries. We produce surpluses of all these crops in 2020. The govt criminalized possession over a certain amount for these crops.
?The ECA was a restriction on scale in agriculture that only hurt the farmer, the consumer, and everyone in between. The premise behind the ECA is similar to what led Churchill to lock up foodstuff in 1943, and artificially create The Famine of Bengal in 1943. Good riddance.
?Now let’s address some basic misconceptions about what MSP actually is: The minimum support price is an agri product price set by the GOI to purchase directly from the farmer. The Bharathiya government sets the price for 23 commodities twice a year.
?The MSP is based on the cost of production that farmer’s incur, or how much it costs them to farm.
?Now, these bills are great reforms in and of themselves, but let’s understand the state of the Bharathiya Agricultural economy and just how bad it has gotten. These are some hard hitting numbers, so strap in. But this will also illuminate why Modi govt is pushing these reforms.
?In 2015, the Shanta Kumar committe found that ONLY 14% of farmers were able to sell their produce to govt procurement agencies. The rest is being sold outside the APMC – this means that the majority of supply is being sold OUTSIDE the APMC with no guarantee of MSP.
?Farmers of Punjab and Haryana were getting on average 1000 rs in the market for maize, where the govt set MSP was 1850 rs. So approx. 85% of their crop sold on market was being sold at almost HALF the mandated govt price because farmers were dependent on govt to get the MSP.
?and of these, EVEN those that sold to the govt, got MSP for only ~ 27% – 35% of their produce. The rest can be chalked about to “inefficiencies/mismanagement” aka corruption. The APMC system is known for it’s notoriously open corruption – where did this money go?
?To make matters worse, only rich farmers were able to access govt mandis and get paid the MSP at all. They were not accessible to the average/poor farmer.
?As per the agricultural census: 86% of farmers are classified as small and marginal farmers; 14% of farmers are medium/semi-medium/large farmers. Less than 14% of farmers – the smallest & poorest in the country – are not able to get MSP; most don’t even know it exists.
?It gets worse. of total agricultural households in Bharat, less than 6% sold to procurement agencies, of which only 27 – 35% was paid for at MSP due to the corruption of the middle man.
?Nearly 75% of paddy growers and over 65% of wheat growers did not even know that the govt procures foodgrains, much less at MSP. They are left at the complete mercy of the intermediaries. This is a continuation of the zamindari system.
?In summary: even if one assumes that rich farmers account for 50% of paddy/wheat that goes to market, the https://S.K.Report shows that just 1/6th of Bharat’s total rice and wheat output is bought by the govt at the MSP.
?As far back as 2006 the MS Swaminathan committee that was set up recommended farmers should get MSP + 50% profit above and beyond that. Basically C2 + 50% needs to be offered to the farmers.
?With facts and figures we can use rationality to examine just how bad of a state Bharathiya agriculture is currently in. This is nothing short of a national security issue. Farmer’s are essentially enslaved by the current rules.
?The misinformation is intentional & being propagated by Congress, their allies & their media outlets on the left both in Bharar & the West. As their favourite govt is in place in US now . The attacks will increase now. It’s the same thing they did regarding CAA, they are misleading and lying to the people on purpose to stir agitation against Modi. That’s it nothing else.
?In a country where 1 farmer commits suicide/hour, reform is not just necessary for the economy, it’s a moral imperative. To those spreading misinformation on these Acts, please do not play politics with the lives of the poorest in society.
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