Research in the comparative religion field shows that the cult of Islam has nothing new. Every practice and idea has been borrowed from Pagans, Jews and Hindus which existed for centuries before polytheist Muhammad became a successful salesman. If one must present a counter argument, perhaps they could claim that the one new thing about the seventh century desert cult is the salesman-prophet who started the entire jihadi process. And also invented the devil along the way.

زیارت بت پرست است
  • Pilgrimage. The idea of pilgrimage has existed since time immemorial. Every culture and civilization before the seventh century had the idea of paying respect and homage to sacred places and worship of special deities via making long journeys. This principle therefore is not new to Islam. Ancient Pagans in the Levant are known to have made pilgrimages according to records, hieroglyphics, and other sacred inscriptions. One such places of worship was the Kaaba which included both male and female temples and idols and people worshipped and offered gits to the 360 gods. Hajj, back then was still a business in Arabia just as it is in present day Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the idea of annual pilgrimage pre dates Islam, though Islam has continued this Pagan practice as one of its core principles.
اسلام یک آیین بت پرست است
  • Fasting. The ideal fasting also exists in Jewish and Hindu cultures.  Yogis were the first ones to propose intermittent fasting.  Also, the desert tribe Pagans were smart enough to not indulge in heavy eating or drinking while making day trips in the desert. Fasting is not new to Islam but is a practice which has been borrowed from the desert Pagan tribes and Hindus. Fasting was a norm for pre-Islamic Arab polytheists and Ramadan was dedicated to worshipping various gods and goddesses, including Al-Lah. Thus, the idea of Al-Lah stems from desert polytheism which Muhammad decided to fully embrace. Hindus are known to fast on Ekadashi and other, important days according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, fasting pre date Islam, though Islam has continued this practice, especially since they still utilize the Pagan, lunar calendar.

خیرات یک عمل هندو است

  •  Alms. Giving alms to the poor is also not a new practice. Ancient cultures and tribes, including the Israelis were known to give a portion of their wealth and income to those who deserved it more than they did. The idea of charity has existed in Hinduism and many monks and sadhus were able to concentrate on yoga and meditation because the society prior to the seventh century supported such normal initiatives and deeds.  Hindus consider it their duty to give food or money to others who are not just in need but also those who are on the spiritual path and not necessarily engaging in the day-to-day rat race. Therefore, alms pre date Islam, though Islam has continued this practice.
زیارت بت پرست است
یهودی است
  • No Pork. This is a practice which the Muslims have completely borrowed from the Jews. The Jews considered certain animals dirty and the pig unfortunately is one of them. The prophet without any doubt or question or modification  embraced this Yehudi practice and even though the practice predates Islam, this Jewish practice is one of the core principles of Islam.
نماز جهانی است
  • Prayers. Ancient cultures especially Pagans and Hindus are known to practice prayers multiple times a day. Just like the moon plays a big part in rituals and culture, the sun and especially its transition plays a big role in opening up possibilities for human beings. Hindus pray to the sun God whenever there’s a transformation such a sunrise, sunset, noon, etc.  Muslims too pray to Surya devata at the same time frames. Muslims essentially offer Surya namaskars when they pray. Therefore prayers pre-date Islam, however, Muslims have made this Hindu practice a main part of their core beliefs.
محمد مشرک بود
  • No god but god and dictator prophet. The idea of no god except for theirs with imposed significance of the former salesman, prophet is a new addition to the 7th century desert practices which were already in vogue when Islam was conceived during a seizure episode experienced by Muhammad.

Over time, practices such as covering one’s self in black burlap sack, female genitalia mutilation, ad hoc sharia “justice” system, a 360 on first accepting the 3 female goddesses – Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Manat – as part of Islam by then Pagan Muhammad but then u-turning on it, and blaming the imaginary devil for whispering the satanic versus in his ear is novel in Islam.

In conclusion, Salesman Mohammed, later known as the prophet is the only thing that is new in Islam. Muhammad was a Pagan. He believed in the gods and goddesses which were famous and worshipped in Arabia. Everything except Muhammad in Islam comes from Pagan, Jewish and Hindu traditions. So except for the schizophrenic “visions” during a seizure in the desert, Islam practically is a desert Pagan cult. Though Muslims will continue to be in denial.

Image Source: Internet/Maz Bozorgi

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