Uncategorized Somaliland: Female Genital Mutilation Is!amic ‘cutters’ go door-to-door to perform the procedure on young girls “It is a religious thing. Do you want to change religion?” said one Egyptian in response to a campaign to eradicate female genital mutilation.... by FirangiAffairs March 6, 2022
Culture Culture US: Secret Network of Muzlim Doctors Perform Female Genital Mutilation. Jumana Nagarwala charged by federal prosecutors Doctor Nagarwala performed female genital mutilation on minor girl children. by FirangiAffairs September 22, 2021September 22, 2021
uncategorized Sudan begins to Shut down 30 year old Sharia Law. Will Hardline Islamic nations take note? Sudan’s government has agreed to separate Islamic religion from the state, there ending 30 years of Islamic Sharia rule in the country. A move... by Dilbert September 6, 2020September 6, 2020