Current Affairs ACP Pradyuman takes up the murder case of Dhruv Rathee’s brain cells after he calls Lal Singh Chaddha better than Forrest Gump. On the 12th of August, an unfortunate incident took place in the streets of Twitter. In broad daylight around 2:30 pm, the brain... by Adarsh August 12, 2022
Opinions When you are getting Gold why go for Tamba? Why should people watch ‘Forrest Gump’ rather than wasting their hard-earned money on its third-rated copy ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ ? Karma is chasing Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor and the world is watching the so-called Superstar running with his shoes and skull cap... by Adarsh August 2, 2022August 2, 2022