Uncategorized the misrepresentation of the sacred swastika by the western world BY : MR HEMANTKUMAR G. PADHYA Diwali is the cardinal festival in the Vedic or Hindu calendar. Although it is known as festival of... by Hindukrantivir August 5, 2021February 3, 2022
Uncategorized ગુજરાતી મુંબઈકર ક્રાંતિગુરુ પંડિત શ્યામજી કૃષ્ણવર્મા હેમંતકુમાર ગજાનન પાધ્યા (યુ.કે.) ભારતની સ્વતંત્રતાનો ઈતિહાસ તટસ્થ અને પક્ષપાત રહીત સત્યસ્વરુપમાં લખવામાં આવ્યો હોત તો એમાં પંડિત શ્યામજી કૃષ્ણવર્માજી [ભનુશાળી]નું શુભનામ સુવર્ણ અક્ષરોમાં... by Hindukrantivir August 3, 2021February 4, 2022
Unverified Sources Unverified Sources Unverified Sources Unverified Sources સ્વસ્તિકધારા by Hindukrantivir August 3, 2021February 4, 2022
Uncategorized swastikamrut – स्वतिकामृत સ્વસ્તિકામૃત by Hindukrantivir August 3, 2021February 4, 2022
Uncategorized KRANTIGURU PANDIT SHYAMAJI KRISHNAVARMA A FORGOTTEN OR RATHER SYSTEMETICALLY MADE FORGOTTEN NRI HERO OF INDIAN INDEPENDENCE : Mr Hemantkumar Gajanan Padhya It was very shocking and humiliating... by Hindukrantivir July 29, 2021January 12, 2022
Culture Culture Stop Persecution and Prosecution Of Swastika. BY: HEMANTKUMAR G PADHYA Ongoing campaign to ban the use of Swastika symbol in America, Europe, Great Britain and Israel has never stopped since... by Hindukrantivir July 25, 2021February 3, 2022
uncategorized returning of national awards by indian intellectuals by Hindukrantivir July 5, 2021July 7, 2021