uncategorized What is Da’awah or Tabligh? The term Da’awah, or Dawah, is used in abundance by various Muslim proselytizing groups both on and off social media. It is the more... by Sakal Sach November 7, 2023November 8, 2023
Uncategorized AntiSemite Saket Gokhale I saw this tweet from Saket Gokhale , where he had sent a notice to MHA as to why only Hindus , Sikhs, Jains,... by BihariBhagwati June 13, 2021February 2, 2022
Stories The concepts of jihad mentioned in the Palestinian curriculum Saudi Arabia is not the only Sunni region of the Middle East where hatred and violence toward others are taught in the classrooms. Here... by Adv. Yukti Rathi May 13, 2021January 27, 2022
Opinions Opinions Izlamic “scholar” claims European women used to wear hijab, but then Jews spread Darwinism and ‘culture of nudity’ Who did Allah Transform into Apes? THE JEWS. by FirangiAffairs April 30, 2021February 3, 2022
History Expose: Bible’s fictional story of Jesus a copy of the life of Apollonius of Tyana? There lived a very famous Greek philosopher whose birth and death is uncertain but as per his primary biographer Philostratus the Elder it is... by Tanya December 23, 2020January 13, 2022