Opinions Opinions Opinions Ansar: The 3 Jewish tribes of Madina circa 622 AD During the early days of Islam, Prophet Muhammad was unable to garner a lot of support in his birth city of Mecca. Neither did... by Sakal Sach December 1, 2023December 5, 2023
uncategorized What is Da’awah or Tabligh? The term Da’awah, or Dawah, is used in abundance by various Muslim proselytizing groups both on and off social media. It is the more... by Sakal Sach November 7, 2023November 8, 2023
Uncategorized Is The Calcutta Quran Petition True To Its Conviction (2) In this article, we continue to explore the revelations from Quran in a systematic manner, as they are approached by the petition. This is... by Sakal Sach October 7, 2022October 7, 2022
Uncategorized Is the Calcutta Quran Petition true to its conviction (1) In order to determine whether the petition has any legs to stand on, we will go through the petition, and analyze the evidence it... by Sakal Sach October 6, 2022